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Wednesday, 17 April 2013



kinda mixed bag...


Totally Kat.

J.S. @ Sun Diego Eats

have heard good thing about this place before! will avoid the armpit sausages if i ever go hahahah


Those antelope sliders look pretty good! So you get 3 for $14? Are 3 sliders about the same size as a single hamburger at Hodads?


Hi JS - Maybe you should try might like it! ;o)

Hi Soo - Well, if you minus the whole head of lettuce you get on a burger from Hodad's it's actually more....


Going to get me some armpit sausage. It looked promising.


Go for it Billy! ;o)


I agree 100% and only have ordered appetizers at the lion's share. besides, the entrees are just to expensive considering how uninteresting they are. I haven't been in a while and didn't know they changed chefs. Thanks for keeping us all informed, Kirk =)


Hi Lynnea - Agree about the entrees, I haven't been too impressed. They have changed chefs, but those antelope sliders are still on the menu. I hope you have a chance to visit soon!

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