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Tuesday, 19 March 2013



That's too bad, I like to root for the local, non-chain businesses. At the same time, you don't want an excessively long beer menu that overcompensates for a deficiency in other areas. It sounds like their pricepoints are right, I agree with you that hopefully they can get their kitchen in order.


Sounds like they need Robert Irvine to come in and get after the "back of the house".


oh my goodness, at first I couldn't even see the pickle! i thought it was part of the sandwich! =D


It looks good from the freeway as I drive to work :) I love local-owned places and hope they get it together and do well.


I hope so too Jason.

Isn't he the one who lied about being the White House Chef?

Funny huh Lynnea!

Hopefully they get their kitchen straightened out. Not that folks in Bay Park seem to mind sub-par food.


Oh dear, I keep riding past on my bike and thinking it looks a bit sad...

Those crunchies look pretty cool though, bring back memories of being a kid and trying to get them from the chippy for free!


Hi Jenny - It's more of a place for the neighborhood folks to have a pint and some food. Really nice folks though.

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