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Monday, 19 November 2012



Loved your photos of the vegetables from the Farmer's Market! Great to know of that and the Latin market as well.

i vicariously enjoy the floats through your "up close and personal" experience!

re: items from the H Mart bakery, was that a hot dog wrapped in bread?


Man I can't believe how fast this month flew by. Loving the cooler weather though and your gray sky photos...


Thanks-It is so good to be part of this blog and able to share our unusual volunteer as well as food adventures, cc. If you look at the link to Baja Ranch, the photos and description are better than anything I could have done. Yes- just a thin piece of dough around a really good sausage. It was $2.25 and perfect-as was the ham and cheese and croquette...
I think with Daylight Savings starting a few weeks later, it makes all the holidays run together faster in our mind, Dennis. I still haven't changed the clocks and am waking up 'early'. It was a really overcast day, something I like- and miss.

Ed (from Yuma)

Always love the Rose Parade posts.


Thank you, ed. I enjoy sharing the little adventure behind the adventure.

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