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Wednesday, 28 November 2012



Oh how funny, I posted on the bakery today too. Though you tried way more stuff than me. I must go back and try more.


The bakery looks really good! Is it better than that bakery at Zions? I haven't been to Hmart yet b/c I'm too scared of the parking situation!


cool post! i saw kirbie's too! i'm going to have to wait til i'm on break to go because with work, i definitely don't want to go out at night (i'm such a homebody, haha) on weekdays and weekends are out of the question.

everything you got looks good, especially the canele and the crunch sandwich.


We have been two times already, Kirbie. Always something new it seems...or maybe something ignored after filling the tray. In any case, I know PB will be at H Mart and inside the new Zion.
You are smart to stay away, Faye; our second visit was on a Tuesday at 2 p.m. and still zero parking available. There is plenty of parking at Zion and there is one bakery item at Zion I like that can't be found elsewhere- multi layered cake with a cream layer and separated by puff pastry layers.
Thanks, cc. We wanted to try something savory as well as the canele. Wait for crowds to slow down- or do what we did and drive to Diamond Bar. Even on a Saturday, it wasn't crazy crowded.


Yum! Everything looks delicious, we'll have to check it out soon, I have never visited a Korean bakery before.


hi cathy - i know what pastry item you're talking about (that layered cake/puff pastry one). love that! but I also like the hot dog thing/bread form zion.


There are a couple of Asian Bakeries in San Diego, Lori. Pangea ( is owned and run by a nice Korean lady, and there is the one inside Zion Market (which I hope will move to the new location; there can be more than one bakery in a Food Court). A lot of what is sold at the bakery inside the 99 Ranch store is also very similar.
It must be the multiple textures, cc. I haven't tried the Zion hot dog roll, but will soon (there is so much available parking, even at 10 a.m.; we went because I felt "H Mart guilt" and Zion was so nice...)


I thought Pangea was a Taiwanese bakery? I'm looking foward to trying Paris Baguette although I've avoided H Mart so far for fear of crowds. But speaking of the new Zion, there's a sign for a Korean BBQ; it looks to be on the side of the store facing Convoy Street.


You're right, Sandy-everyone says it is Taiwanese, but the ladies who work there are Korean and especially lately, the sweets available are more and more similar to the ones at Zion, Tous les Jours and Deli Manjoo. You are smart to avoid H Mart, unless you are there right when it opens; if you can't find a parking spot, leave. I am thinking that old K-Mart/Sears space is so large, that the 'Food Court" for the new Zion will be huge...can't wait.


Nice! When I went, it wasn't open yet so this is a nice peek as to what they offer. Thanks Cathy!


We went there about 9 a.m. on Tuesday and they actually had baguettes for sale, Carol! The girl at the counter said they get the flour from France. All I know is that it was such a perfect loaf of bread. (I also grabbed a couple of other things..because)


hi cathy - the owner of pangea is Taiwanese actually. maybe many of the workers are korean?


Maybe that's it, cc. In any case, the baked goods at both Pangea and Paris are good, with a lot of overlap in style and type of pastry and fillings.

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