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Monday, 26 November 2012



wow, crazy game meats...too bad they weren't all that moist.


I went there many years ago - hard to believe they were featured on that Guy Fieri show. I also found the burgers to be a bit on the dry side. I'm glad they seem to be doing well b/c the last few times we drove by the place, it was really empty.


Hi Kat - They've got quite a collection here!

Hi Faye - DDD and MvF aren't really about great food in my I really don't take them seriously...frankly, I don't even watch those shows.


We used to eat at Crazee Burger occasionally but I feel they have not kept up with advancements in the San Diego burger market made over the last few years, so they have fallen to "only if nothing else is open" status. The "exotic" meats have always been underwhelming though.

My favorite burger there is the venison (always nice and juicy, served with mushrooms and a slice of poached pear) followed by the Santorini (half beef, half lamb with a yoghurt sauce).


Hi SK - I had entertained the thought of trying the Santorini....and maybe I should have.

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