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Saturday, 01 December 2012



I go here a lot! At least once every two weeks. I had no idea about the chicharrons, I will have to get them next time.


Then you know how very good the food is, MrZ! The chicharrones are on the menu, but I think people gloss over it...or, try to appear to eat healthy. Do try and enjoy!


You know what, I have stared at that menu at least a dozen times while waiting for my order, and it never registered to me that chicharrons were listed. Also buche! I might have to make a weekend trip to try that out.


We tend to 'read' things we expect, MrZ...especially a taco shop menu. One trick I learned (from a friend who is an editor) is to read from bottom up/backwards- then you don't 'complete' sentences in your head and catch mistakes (or words like 'chicharrone') easily. The weekend? That's five days away!

Chuck Chipner

Wow this all looks so delish! I was wondering if you know of any good mexican restaurants? I am looking to find maybe 5 more that I can try out. Thanks in advance!


Welcome to our blog, Chuck. There are links in the left column to some of the more than 300 Mexican Restaurants and Taco Shops around the County, which is over 4200 square miles large. If you prefer carnitas, then Uruapan is a favorite...Mexican seafood is usually my preference and Negro Durazo is a favorite along with a few others.

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