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Tuesday, 09 October 2012



I'd probably have to have those critters fried with a batter before trying them (so I can't see what I'm eating)...the rest of your food looked nice!


Bugs! Not even with a bowl of rice and soy sauce! >.<


Hi Kat - I think you'd be fine if you just thought "shrimp"....

Hi AZ - These are pretty mild in flavor...just a bit crunchy.


Have you been to the place that Cathy blogged about for comparison?

I've been wanting to try Oaxacan food and it is nice to know there are more than one option in the area.


I like Oaxacan cheese - it's got that nice stringiness to it.

Great array of dishes you got there too! So does this place also serve the maguey worms?


Hi Jan - No, haven't made it there yet.....will have to some day soon.

Hi CC - Yes, they do...well, at least it's on the menu.


Nice, I have been wanting an opportunity to try an insect dish (other than novelty chocolate-covered $bugs) and I love a good mole negro.


Hi SK - Yeah, check them out. The chapulines are a bit on the salty-puckery side and very mild....but also light and crisp.


I've eaten some funky stuff in my life but I don't know if I can eat grasshoppers or any insects for that matter.


Hi Carol - These were pretty much like dried shrimp except lighter and milder.


I love that place! I have been a bunch of times and always ask for a sample size of the bugs when I bring new friends with me. Always good for a laugh! Its funny, I also described the the flavor as shrimp like. Although I said that its like eating the flippery bits of a shrimp tail and not getting any shrimp meat. Still, the flavor and texture is not so awful that it stops me from eating them to tease friends.

Oh and, the other food is good too. Of course. I've gotten the big family sized meal to share with friends a couple times and I am never disappointed. The sizzling platter of meat is awesome and the chorizo is not to be missed. Come hungry though!


Hi Jane - We did enjoy our meal and will definitely be back. Thanks for commenting!


Everything looks good, EXCEPT the bugs. Reading about the mole made me wonder if you've ever been to El Comal in North Park? They usually have the brown/black mole, and on Thursdays, although its not listed, they have green mole. I saw you wrote about the El Comal's on Imperial Ave. and in Chula Vista on an older post. Are they owned by the same people?


Hi Stephen - We did go to El Comal, after they moved from Imperial. I guess we should be revisiting soon....

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