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Monday, 10 September 2012



Win some, lose some, dim sum! Sorry really old and bad joke. China Max is the only place that has Fujian/Fukien style fried rice on the menu if I remember right. Never ordered because of the price!


It's always so depressing when someone asks "where's the best place for dimsum in san diego"... and they stare at you while you think about it. I usually say China Max, however I usually go on the busy weekends where the food turnover is really frequent, so maybe that helps. Too bad about your visit though, although I agree that the shrimp with egg goop dish never really appealed to me.


hey Kirk! do you have a favourite dim sum place in SGV? i went to elite last april and it was good--but not as great as i remember--yet people seem to still rave about it. i don't think it's as innovative as it was, say, 3-4 years ago either.


LOL Dennis! You should be "pun" - ished for that comment!

Hi Jason - I think China Max probably does the best in San Diego.....but most times it still kinda falls short.

Hey Santos! It's nice to hear from you! Our favorite is Sea a lot. We've actually been back to Elite and I thoguht it was better than our previous visit, but still not up to Sea Harbour.


hi Kirk! thanks! i semi-forgot about sea harbour, although the giant roosters are hard to forget :) final question (for now): do you have a favourite XLB place in SGV? i was not impressed by din tai fung, and i haven't been to giang nan in a long time (is it still around??) but i remember really liking those. meilong village, maybe? is there any place relatively new? i feel like all my SGV favourites are from 2007 or so.


Hey Santos - I still like Giang Nan over Mei Long Village which we use as a back-up...DTF's wrappers are overworked and over-hyped. You know, it seems our favorites are from a while back too....Tianjin Bistro, Newport Seafood, Hunan Chilli King. Hey, maybe you'll find something new you can share with me? As always, it's great to hear from you!


ugh! giang nan, sold!


Hey Kirk, hope you and the missus are just fine.

Agreed, the dim sum in SD is mediocre, however, China Max is the top of the pack.

I would suggest you try Tiki Taka grill in Hillcrest. Ms. PedMa has been raving about it so today I go for lunch.

Take care



Hi PedMa - It's a mighty small "pack".... Let me know how you enjoyed Tiki Taka!


Hey Santos - I heard that Giang Nan might reopen in the Rowland Heights/Hacienda Heights area....I'm hoping....


Tiki Taka was very good, they give you fresh made flat bread and a couple side when you sit down, gratis. Be careful, portions are quite large. Had the Israeli salad and a lamb skewer sandwich (using their homemade flat bread) and that was it for the day, done out commission. We have also tried Tecchan which took over from Raku. Very good addition to the hood. More variety on the menu, including Mozuku which we love!



Thanks for the info PedMa!

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