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Friday, 07 September 2012



Honolulu Airport.


Too funny. I usually pick up a bento from Sugoi's on the way to
the airport. Get some envious looks from hungry returning mainlanders.
Always have somebody ask me if I bought it at the airport. Can't
wait till I return in November. Are you going to watch UH football
when they visit SD?

Food detective

Isn't that the Honolulu airport? I always wanted to walk down and hang out under a tree!
Wow, chicken looks good! I can smell the garlic chicken from here! I got a teri bento from TipTop and ate it at the airport too!

Food detective

Do you have a pidgin book? It's too funny. I really want to learn!


Hi HL - Too easy I guess!

Hi Kyle - I probably will stay home....I did go to a UH-SDSU game yeas ago...when Marshall Faulk ran for like 300 yards....wore a UH t-shirt, people threw stuff at us....was a lot of fun.

Yes it is TFD.....I gotta dig out my Pidgen to Da' Max.....I got it somewhere...but to do it right you have to live there.....


oh yeah, GEM' must also remember the skyslide in Mapunapuna & Waipahu too?! :)


Unfortunately, I'm old enough to remember that Kat! ;o) Even Checkers & Pogo......


Good gosh! That is a humongous plate lunch. It looks like it could feed four people easily!


I feel full just looking at those pictures!


checkers & pogo, I was actually on that show once...eep!


Hi CC - It was a lot of chicken....and rice!

Hi MrZ - Same here!

Hi Kat - So was was I.....double eep...

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