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Wednesday, 12 September 2012



Yikes - that vampire dip does indeed look rich and heavy. I can't imagine having that on a burger! How much was the burger after all the add ons?

Did the Missus add the Vampire Dip to her sandwich too? The pic looks like it has the dip. But her sandwich looks delicious! What kind of bread is that?


Hello from NYC!

Funny you should mention Slater's now. My coworker went there a week or two ago and has been going on about how we need to go there for lunch. He seemed amused at the bacon content of his burger.


i actually had the vampire dip on mine (and some other stuff too), which i liked...i haven't posted yet on my visit, but man, you're right, it's over the top here! i didn't get the 50/50 patty though. that seemed too bacon-y for mee.


Hi Faye - The design your own starts at $8.95 for 1/3lb...which was enough for me. The Missus had a veggie burger and choose thick sliced rye as Her bread. She also had the vampire dip.

Hey MrZ - First off, thanks for the produce, man it was good...loved those tomatoes! The burger is fairly mild with just a touch of bacon taste, it doesn't overpower things...of course when you've got anchovies and major garluc stuff going on....

Hey CC - It's bit too much stuff for me, and the combination with the anchovies....yeeesh. The 50/50 patty isn't too strong in the bacon flavor department.


whoa?! that looked ginormous.


Anchovies on a burger. Interesting. FYI, article in Midweek on Kikaida/Kamen Rider 40th anniversary. Not to mention a mention on Shirokiya's 350th. Saw you had an earlier post on Kikaida.


Hi Kat - It was super huge....but massive enough.....I couldn't finish this it was so over the top.

Hi Kyle - I guess Kikaida fever is returning for its 40th!


haha... Kirk cannot finish it LOL

I like the peanut butter/ bacon burger i'll have to try the garlic thing.... know what? i'll just try that at home

I have a special garlic/ artichoke dip recipe from Gilroy :))


Yes Grey - This one wiped me out! ;o)


You're welcome, Kirk! Our plants are done producing for the year but definitely next year we will have excess tomatoes again.

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