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Wednesday, 25 July 2012



The green grass-like stuff for your soup at Thuan Kieu looks like chinese chives to me. Easy to grow and tasty. :)

ed (from yuma)

Thanks, Julie. I know a yosoer would enlighten me. I have learned so much being a small part of this blog.


Looks good!

On a side note, apparently folks from the Union Tribune is reading this blog:


Those soups look delicious. FWIW I never put the garnish in the soup. I squirt a little Sriracha on it and eat it as a salad along with the soup. Sometimes I ask for another round of garnish

ed (from yuma)

It never occured to me to use the garnish as a salad, Carls. Anyway, I usually appreciate the flavor nuances and texture contributions the herbs and veggies add to the soup.


wow--looks DELICIOUS!!! is that the lucky seafood on 54th and university-ish...?

ed (from yuma)

actually, cg, that is Lucky Star (I think). Lucky Seafood is a market on Mira Mesa, just west of 163 & 15. I think at the corner of Black Mountain. The restaurant part is on the left side of the market and has a separate entrance. The market is a good Asian Mkt.

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