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Friday, 08 June 2012



This series has been great, Kirk! I haven't had too many chances to travel these past few years so I live vicariously through you. :-)
Have a save trip home.


wondering if you are in/near Italy, because that is what your fork says...


Thanks Carol!

Hi Kat - You know how I love to throw some "curves", but sorry, it's not Italy....

ed (from Yuma)

Great pics. It think the island where you were was connected to Italy between 1912 and 1945. I doubt if the fork is that old, however.


Hi Ed - The Italians (called the "facists" by locals) are given much credit for rebuilding the town.


I have really enjoyed the mini posts while you are actually traveling. Honestly, i'm amazed that you've been able to post so much and so many photos. amazing! Sometimes it can be next to impossible to find an hour out of the day to write a blog post while on the move and in new cities.

Ed L

Malta, perhaps? (If so, I've always wanted to go there.)


Hi Lynnea - Thanks! This was kind of an experiment to see if I could actually do posts from the road. There's always time to kill in the evenings since we're not the partying kind.

Hi EdL - Nice guess and close. There is a tie in with Malta too!


Loved all the posts and photos! I've been a tad busy with family events so I've not been leaving comments lately, but rest assured I read each and every post and am amazed at the stellar job you do posting your adventures.


Oh I almost forgot I hate seeing people riding mules down the Grand Canyon too.


Thanks so much for keeping up with us AZ!


Maybe this was in Lebanon?
Pls continue sharing your travel pics. I enjoy them!


Hi Shirley - Not quite! I'm glad you enjoy the photos though! Thanks for reading.

Wandering Chopsticks

Corsica? I don't know why, but since it's not Malta and I know you've done Cyprus. I've liked these "where are you" posts. I always enjoy the travel posts, in general, but trying to guess where you are while you're there is fun! I'll have to borrow from that when I hit the road next.


Hi WC - Good guess, but not quite there. It was fun doing these posts.


"Let me know if you enjoyed these posts..."

LOVED your posts. finally had time to catch up with them since i'm on summer break now. read the newest posts first (read the posts in backwards-chronological order) so i already knew the answers to "where the heck are we?" most of the time. which is good because except for istanbul (been there before) i would've guessed wrong every time. thanks for sharing your travel and food experiences in detail so those of us who don't get to travel as much can live vicariously through you! by the way, just curious but where do da' boyz stay when you and the missus are traveling? well anyway, thanks again for your blog. SO interesting and informative!!!!


Hi Dancing - Thanks, I'm glad you enjoyed these posts....I was wondering if folks would be interested. We have da' Boyz favorite uncle "house/boyz sit" for us when we're gone. They love him! We've also had "Grandma and Grandpa" do that as well.

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