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Monday, 04 June 2012



That rye bread is beautiful; not all loaves have seeds. Then there is the real turkey. Then cranberry sauce. That's my first order. of the tarts would be part of that meal. Yuma has a lot of advantages.

ed (from Yuma)

Funny about the rye. I could swear I tasted caraway, but the bread is so dark, I thought maybe the seeds were ground up. But then, the next time I got a loaf,I found a couple seeds wedged in my teeth. If you look carefully at the whole loaf, you can actually spot a few seeds on the surface.

ed (from Yuma)

Just as a reference point - the rye is far far better than anything at Dudley's -- whose German rye I found very disappointing. But I was raised in a half German household, so I gets picky about my rye breads.


The chips! I went to sleep and had a dream about the sandwich and realized I need to try the chips.

The German rye from Dudley's is not at all what I expected-watered down is how I'd call it. [I was raised in a Polish home in a Polish neighborhood. One of my first jobs was in a Polish bakery. I do know good bread- by feel and look.]


The TBA on focaccia looks awesome, right up my alley. And the desserts look just as good.

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