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Monday, 23 April 2012



The octopus looks great... is it a trick of light or is there a reddish hue to it? Red wine perhaps? I'd love to have the recipe for that one.


Hi Grey - The color was just the result of grilling, there was no stewing involved. It was made so simply, but so wonderful.

ed (from Yuma)

The food looks so good and simple. I am surprised by the greens that keep showing up on your plates. I had never thought of that as a major food in Greece (and Crete). Never see it on a menu in the Greek restaurants in the states.


Hi Ed - Even though horta is served all over Greece, it is one of the specialties of Cretan cuisine. It's basically wild greens that originally grew wild on the mountainsides. We learned that there are dozens of species of greens that are considered "horta". Good stuff, much like dandelion and mustard greens, but not all of them are like those.




Hi Kat - It sure was!


I am now in possession of an octopus, which with I intend to recreate the dish depicted in this post.


Very cool Grey! I'm awaiting the results!


My "jumbo" octopus I purchased shrunk down to much smaller size. It was delicious, though. To get a finished product the size I see there you are going to have to start with very big octopus- the next time i'm going to buy those


Interesting! Thanks for letting me know how it turned out Grey.

tony penniall

Hi Kirk just come acoss your Chania review of 2012. Shall be there in lateApril. What was the weather like and clothing needed? Shall be literally following in your footsteps. Cant wait. Tony.


Hi Tony - The weather is very pleasant, days were in the 70's and nights in the 60's. Remember, if you'll be hiking the Samaria Gorge, it doesn't open until May. Enjoy your trip, Chania is beautiful.

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