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Sunday, 18 March 2012



yeah with italian meats it is important the turn over- places that sell a lot are better you don't want to go to a place where they have to dig out the mortadella from some musty corner of the fridge :/


Hi Grey - I wouldn't want to eat at a palce liek that either! ;o)


I didn't realize there was a Grab & Go on this street. There's another one off Clairemont Mesa Blvd & I-15 (Murphy Canyon Road to be exact). I'm not a big fan of Italian subs (husband is), and your first sandwich is why I never get Italian dressing (unless I'm eating it right away and very easy on the dressing).


Oh man, the first sandwich looked like a mess!

Have you tried Specialty's in LJ? Me and sis like their sandwiches a lot.

I agree w/ your sentiment 'it's the slow periods when you make mistakes'...


Hi Sandy - I've been and posted on that location before. Usually, if it's not overdressed, a decent Italian sub will hold up for an hour or more. That one was a but too much....

Hi Faye - Sounds like a great place....I'm sure you can tell me more about it! ;o)


If you ever get up to Agoura Hills (north of L.A.) and want an amazing sandwich, try the Italia deli. They bake their bread every morning and have both hard and soft rolls. I actually make my family make a pilgrimage there every once in a while. Yum!


Hi SD_M - Thanks for the recommendation. That sounds great.

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