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Thursday, 15 March 2012



I know what you mean about Mission Valley. My go to meal there is IKEA... with the smoked salmon and salad bar, you can get a fairly healthy "fast food" meal there. And the meatballs aren't bad.


Hi Heather - I know that Cathy likes Ikea, strangely, I don't even remember the last time I ate at the food stand there.


Haven't tried this place, but I agree with you - there are way too many burgers places now. I'm kind of over it. Still, I'd check this place out sometime - the price sounds right at least.


Hi Mary - I find it hard to believe that SD can support all these burger places. This is not bad place for cheap eats, tohugh I wouldn't go out of my way.....

Green Turtle

I think that new location of Annys Burgers is open on Kearny Villa. I thought I saw a lit up neon "Open" sign when I went by on Sunday. Maybe you can stop by and do a review soon?


Hi GT - I'll go check it out sometime this week! Thanks for the heads up!


I saw a bunch of these in Santa Barbara last weekend and found out that the chain originated there. I might have to stop in the Carmel Ranch store for a grilled tuna sandwich.


Hi Jan - At least from what I've seen the prices aren't too expensive.

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