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Thursday, 08 March 2012



too bad about that dinner, can't wait to hear more about your adventure!


Just in time to see your post on Athens! I'm working on the DIY walking tour of the city for my upcoming visit thus enjoying your post very much. Too bad I'll only be there on a Monday and it appears that the New Acropolis Museum closes on Mondays. =T Sorry to hear about the restaurant being a hit-or-miss. Hope you had found another eatery that you enjoyed!


Hi Kat - Yeah, that dinner was pretty mediocre.....

Hi Jess - I'll try to get more Athens stuff up pretty quickly.


At first I was thinking maybe the laid back attitude was a cultural issue but the food looks pretty bad. For my taste- I can look over shoddy service if the food is great. Too bad to travel so far for "blah"


Hi Grey - Yeah. Lunch was actually good, but maybe because most of the items can be prepped ahead of time and there were no other customers in the place. Dinner was just not that great and service was very slow.

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