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Tuesday, 20 March 2012


Bbq Dude

Funny thing is....I still think it's better than Five Guys.
Five Guys is all hype. (I'll be struck by lightning for saying so, but not unlike In'N'Out). There are many, many, many burgers to be had that are better. Just none of them at a chain.




The burger looks juicier than the ones from In N Out. Do you know how long the free soda/fries is for?


Hi BBD - It's nice to hear from you. I hope all is going well. I guess I don't paint with such broad strokes as you do. I think the Counter is pretty good and it's a chain...there are a few others as well.

Hi Kat - I think, well, hope that this was just grand opening issues......

Hi Vinyl - I'm not sure. I asked but no one seemed to know.


Looks like a pretty mediocre burger. Seems like the burger craze is creeping into the Kearney mesa area. I guess there's not as much competition in that area compared with the La Jolla/Del Mar area (where there's an overload), but the burger bar has been raised... lets see if they can keep up. I heard Ty's Burger House up in Oceanside is a pretty good non-chain burger place... if you feel like another burger.

Green Turtle

Yay! I got a mention. In an area dominated by Asian cuisine, a good burger joint is a nice addition. The only other place around here is Boll Weevil.


Hi Jason - This place has potential, I'm going to check them out in a couple of weeks, after all the supposed grand opening problems are worked out.

Hi GT - Let me know what you think after you check them out!

Green Turtle

I went Thursday evening and they are still doing the free fries or drink with burger purchase promotion. Like your opinion, I thought the free fries seemed like your typical Sysco variety... in fact, I know it is because my company's cafeteria fries are exactly the same and they use Sysco ingredients. But as for the burger itself, I got the Hickory BBQ which came with a 1/2 lb patty. The patty was all in one piece, unlike yours. It was a very tasty burger, but the bun fell apart, probably due to the sauce making it too soggy. The prices are reasonable and can give Rocky's and Hodads a run for their money, I've yet to eat at Burger Lounge so not sure how it stacks up to those kinds of places.


Hi GT - Not a big fan of Burger Lounge, but would encourage you to check them out. I'm glad you made it over to Anny's and got your free fries. The burger has potential and I'll check them out again in a couple of weeks.


What is up with the lettuce overload? Are we supposed to be fooled into thinking that the burger is bigger because a quarter of a head of lettuce is packed onto the bottom of the bun? I thought that was like a Wendy's, Carls Jr. sort of thing. I wasn't impressed with Burger Lounge either. I ate at The Counter in San Jose and really enjoyed it, but its a bit of a shlep for me from North Park. I'm just down the street from Crazee Burger. They have a good selection, but the last 2 times I ate there, the burgers were on the dry side. Maybe because it was a Friday night?


Hi Stephen - Yeah, I noticed that too.....though it wasn't nearly as bad as hte stuff I've had at Hodads. I've nver been crazy about Crazee Burger, though I do enjoy the Counter. They are opening downtown sometime this year I believe.


Hi Kirk,

I tried it with a coworker today. I had the fried chicken burger. It was pretty good, and I bit into a piece of wishbone. In the era of "pink slime" ground beef, I found it a good sign that the chicken had evidence of having come from an actual chicken recently.

Onion rings, meh. My coworker had the "Sand Dune" burger and said there was way too much teriyaki sauce on it.


Hey Fred - So you went to a burger joint and got a chicken sandwich? ;o) For some reason, naming something a sand dune just doesn;t want me to go out ther and get it......


loved this place. No need for fries or onion rings. Wanted the whole burger.

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