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Sunday, 26 February 2012



I like savory crepes. One of these days I'll save some extra time and drop in Cafe Hue before running into Nijiya. For your search, don't forget the one booth at the Hillcrest Farmer's Market on Sundays!


hi cathy
i haven't tried the crepes here, just the waffles. their gelato wasn't so good.


Check out Bibby's Crepe Cafe down in La jolla. They have a pretty large selection of savory and sweet crepes. I think what sets them apart is they have some pretty decent cheeses for their savory crepes, which makes them pretty good.


I prefer savory also, Dennis. This was a nice change for a light meal in that part of town. We had a Crepe Truck/Trailer at the Wednesday Santee Certified Farmer's Market last summer and I did like theirs; when I went back two weeks later (I wanted to do a post), it was gone. I wonder if it's the same person...
Hi cc. When we were leaving, they were just starting to put out the gelato and I did want to try the black sesame seed flavor, but wasn't interested in the others I saw.
Thanks for the tip, Jason. I'll be in La Jolla soon and will make an effort to check it out.


Hi Cathy! Oh those crepes look good! I definitely like savory crepes over sweet crepes.


Hi Carol! Once you park in this lot, there are so many choices of foods available and the crepes are an added bonus.

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