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« Oahu: Cousin Long Hui's Jia Ji (Fried Chicken) ratings | Main | Istanbul: Sultan Kosesi, Küçuk Ayasofya Camii, and other stuff »

Thursday, 26 January 2012



that looks so good!


Awesome timing! I am making a made up recipe of "Mexican" fried chicken wings tonight (couldn't really find much online). I am marinating the chicken right now in lemon, white vinegar, garlic, ground chili, and a few dashes of Maggi sauce. So pretty similar. I might just go for the cornstarch too for crispiness. I made a nice pico and will serve with beans and rice.

I got the idea after watching Zimmern eating fried chicken necks in TJ. I thought fried chicken and pico would go good together. I also have seen it on the menu (fryed chicken LOL) at De Soto's in Mira Mesa.


Mmmm, looks good!


Hi Kat - This turned out pretty good

Hi Jan - I'd like to hear how it turned out!

Hey Dennis - it was pretty tasty.


Wonderful! But Undersalted for the missus' tastes. Dang ol' high blood pressure! Man, I'll do it again!


Hi Jan - Well, it sounds like you're almost there.... I noticed that you didn't include salt in the recipe you shared.


I actually didn't put salt in the marinade because I was worried about drying out the meat. So I added it just before frying. But that being said, guess what MY missus' complaint was? ;)

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