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Saturday, 24 December 2011



Merry Christmas Kirk! ho ho ho...


Merry Xmas to the entire mmmyoso crew!


Merry Christmas and happy holidays to everyone at mmm-yoso!!!

Hangzhou Hero

Merry Christmas to you and your wife. Hope she realized how lucky she is to have a hubby like you with that duck!


that is an awesome meal! Merry Christmas Kirk!


Merry Christmas, Kirk!

Soo Hom

Merry Christmas to everybody here!

ed (from Yuma)

Merry Christmas to everyone!!


Mele Kalikimaka Kirk! :) The duck looks amazing...I grew up with the five spice taste of duck, so completely understand where the Missus is coming from!


Merry Christmas everyone!


That duck looks like a delicious Christmas dinner! Merry Christmas!


Is that basmati rice? also if you brought your dog to Nijiya I saw you, recognized the dog. I got some nice sake there but my pork belly for the poet su tun po's pork came from thuan phat market.


Hey everybody! I hope Christmas was a great time!

Grey - That's just jasmine rice. Sorry, that wasn't me at Nijiya....there are limits as to where I'dtake Da' Boyz. ;o)


Maligayang Pasko to you and your wife! :)


Happy Holidays CC!


Looks like you two had a wonderful Christmas eve dinner! The duck looks fantastic!


Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Subliminal message; way to a woman’s' heart is thru her stomach ;-)


Hi Carol - Well....I guess it did turn out better than the Missus thought! ;o)

It sure is Bill!

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