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Sunday, 06 November 2011



looks great!


Cool, an option to Noble Chef in these parts is great.


Hi Kat - It was ok....

Hi Dennis - You'll need to explain to the folks working what you want in English since the menu is written in Chinese, but that should be no problem.


I noticed this place the last 2 times I was at Nazca Grill and thought it sounded familiar but chalked it up as one of those fast food not-so-good kind of places. The name sounded familiar but it wasn't until you mentioned RB that it clicked why I recognized the name. I like when the noodles are cut not-so-thick in the soups. Sometimes when it's too thick it's just gummy.


Liang Mama's has really good Niu Rou mien. It opened a couple of weeks ago next to Tajima one. It's an pretty authentic Taiwanese restaurant.


Hi Carol - It was quite a surprise for me too as I hadn't really given the place a second thought.

Hi Avaclon - I've been to Liang's and mentioned it here:

I've got to get around to doing a post.


Oh how funny. A few weeks ago my brother told me he found knife shaved noodles at a place on Genesee. Like you, I had seen the place many times and dismissed it. I've been meaning to check it out but hadn't gotten around to it yet.


hate to be a pedant but knifed shaved noodles are where the noodle dough is shaped into a large brick and the individual noodles are shaved off the top using a flat hand blade, straight into the cooking vat.

still, it never ceases to amaze me the actual variety of proper Chinese food you get over in the US compared to what we get in the UK, even in central London. I suppose that's probably down to the initial immigrants being largely from Hong Kong but still, 40+ years of Chinese presence and still it's all BBC food bar two or three new establishments.


Hi Kirbie - That's funny...

Hi Peter - Not to be overly precise right back at you....but the dough is rolled or flattened before it is shaped...I've seen it done a couple of different ways - I actually saw it being folded in half and shaved by hand in Shanxi. Not that I'm real good a geometry or anything..... The real growth in terms of Chinese regional cuisine really only started gaining momentum about 15-18 years ago here in SoCal. Heck Sichuan Peppercorns were banned in the US from 1968 - 2005.

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