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Tuesday, 15 November 2011



hope it improves for you!


Aw, too bad. I was so excited about the oxtail dumplings too.


I do to Kat!

Hi Carol - The great thing is that they seem to be trying.....


That was a great post! I've heard about this place and also was skeptical on how *great* could this place possibly be.

But yeah the price seems a bit steep! I'm glad to hear that the soup wasn't too salty as that was the one and only thing I remember about Santouka

Where would you say is THE best place for ramen in SD at the moment?


What's the difference between pork belly char-su and the char-su at Sam Woo? I've never seen pork belly char-su on a menu before.


The window design sounds cool. But $13 for a bowl of ramen?? Eesh.


Hi Faye - My favorite place is still Santouka since I enjoy Tonkotsu style ramen.

Hi Soo - Japanese Chashu is usually made with pork belly and is simmered not roasted. It's basically a totally different dish.

Hi Kirbie - Plus thee more bucks for the chashu....$16, double eesh....


I'll never forget the $16 bowl of ramen that I had in London a few years ago when the dollar was doing lousy in Europe. I can't remember anything about the ramen, just the £8 price!

I should revisit Santouka soon, although I thought the broth was pretty salty.


Hi sandy - I find that the shio ramen is the least salty....the miso ramen is a bit too much. But eaten toroniku style......and when the noodles are right....


Huh.. I'll have to check it out! Thanks for the post Kirk.


Hi Dennis - Check it out, if you can find a a seat. I heard it gets pretty crowded with the "hip crowd" later on.....


Great post, Kirk. You made some great points here and I'm glad you approached this with an open mind. I sometimes am guilty of reverse racism but going to take your lead and try it out.


Hi Grey - Well thanks! Please check them out. For my tastes, it's not quite there, but it seems like they're trying to produce something good.


I'll just stick to Mitsuwa Market or ShinSeGumi.


LOL Billy! I think I will too.....


Funny review! Glad you gave them a chance, especially so you could warn others of the tilting ramen danger!


LOL Alyssa! I think this place is trying to make good ramen.


I'm always wary of non-Asian doing Asian food and I totally feel bad about the discriminatory bent to it. Food is always the result of the person who cooks it and more often than not, our experiences and who we are shape our cooking. Which isn't to say that a non-[ethnicity here] CAN'T do [ethnicity here] food but that a non-[ethnicity] cook is more likely to bring a different POV to their cooking. Likewise, these experiences shape how we'll perceive the end product. That being said, people cooking all kinds of food, working through what works well and what doesn't, changing and adapting, is what helps food evolve.

Good grief, I wrote a novel. Anyhow, it sounds like Underbelly is a decent idea with an execution that just needs to be worked out. But yowza, that price!! A bit rich for my wallet.


Hi Michelle - It's nice to hear from you! I feel basically the same way and think we have to look at ourselves many times first.

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