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Sunday, 02 October 2011



too bad this place didn't have good sandwiches.


Oh the issues with pastrami! I use it as a gauge for every sandwich shop I try. Sounds like they didn't pass the test of knowing how to cut the meat. If you cut with the grain of meat you will get tough, chewy meat in the sandwich and who wants that? If you cut against the grain, the pastrami will be tender and easy to eat.


I guess I won't be too motivated to try this place with the parking lot from hell.


Hi Kat - Yes, it was kind of...well, just a facsimile.

Hi Tim - Yes, I agree.

Hi Sandy - Oh, yes.....we can't forget about the parking lot, can we!


Hi Kirk, too bad! I think it's gotten much worse since I first tried it, but I still love their sweet potato fries!


Hi Jenne - Haven't had the sweet potato fries, but I'll make sure to try them if I ever go back.


It was looking good until I read the disappointment.


Hi Bill - Yeah, that second sandwich and the service was not that good.


Hey it didn't even register with me where this sandwich shop was until I went to Tapioca Express last night.

Finally not a tea house anymore, eh?

Hannah J

Is the final picture from DZ Akins? ... I really want to eat one of their Reubens right now...


Hi Fred - Because that mall is so packed in, it's sometimes hard to notice changes.

Hi Hannah - Yes it is.....hmmm, a Reuben sounds nince right now too, even for breakfast!


Just made a Juicy Lucy Loco Moco at home, Kirk you should try it!


Hey RCLC - Wow, that sounds like overkill! In a good way.

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