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Tuesday, 20 September 2011



Love the Que Huong Kirk! It's been too long since my last visit myself.. :)


Well now you've got me thinking 'bout them wings again Dennis!


hi kirk - i also like the tamarind wings! their caramel prawns are also awesome. there are so many items on the menu that i still want to try out. the owner jay is supernice too!


Wow! The wings look wonderful!!! Keep posting the great pics! Wish we had such a restaurant in our area!!!


Okay, you've got me sold just on your picture of the wings, Kirk. I'm a sucker for wings and I know how much you love your wings. So if you say these are the best in SD, then I've surely been missing out.


Hi CC - I find the tamarind wings a bit weak, though everything they make with Nuoc Mau tastes good.

Hi CR - Perhaps there's a place in youyr area that serves these, you just haven't found it yet?

Hi Carol - In terms of flavor, those are my favorite.

ed (from Yuma)

I'd forgotten about this place too. I gotta get over to SD again soon.


Snails in coconut milk and catfish in caramel sauce are two of my favorite Vietnamese dishes. Can't stand the muddy flavor in some catfish either.


Hi ED - I know.....the place just kinda slips my mind. I hope to see you both soon!

Hi CP - Nothing quite as good as OC, but those wings......


ooh bubbling with joy... I want some! everything looks just delicious


Hi FH - I was quite good!

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