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Sunday, 07 August 2011



looks like a great place!


Wow, everything looks delicious! I'll have to check it out soon.


Funny, this is exactly the kind of place I was hoping to find last night. Hope to check it out soon.


i want one of these places!


I'd love to have those bloody clams!


Hi Kat - The food was suirprisngly good.

Hi Vicki - Yes, by all mean check them out.

Hi SK - Remember, for these dishes you'll need to go Thurs -Sat and ask for the drinks/appetizer menu.

Hi Santos - There are quite a few in the OC, so the next time you're in LA.....

Hi Nate - The sauce for those were really good.


Looks interesting... honestly when I think about SD vietnamese food, pho is the only thing that pops into my head, this looks like a great place to change that. I just hope the rule about not eating pho at a place that doesn't have pho in its name isn't true...


Horray! So glad this place serving up new dishes. All the latest restaurant openings have been so blah to me lately, I'm excited to try this place.


Fantastic write-up, Kirk! I'm so glad you covered a lot of the "bar" menu and I was quite curious about the bloody clams.

ed (from Yuma)

Amazing looking food. Thanks for the info and pics. I'm really interested in the snail salad -- and it makes sense that it tastes like abalone since abalone are just a type of snail (sort of).


Ooo, this looks good – was just wondering about this place when I drove by the other day. I still miss Huynh Hoa Tuu – maybe this place will be my new go-to for “interesting” Vietnamese (bonus that it's on Convoy - much closer than ECB)!


Hi Jason - LOL! I haven't tried the Pho there yet.....but they supposedly make their own noodles.

Hi Kirbie - I've been quite pleased with my meal(s) so far.

Hi Carol - It is an interesting....and much needed change from the usual here in SD.

Hi Ed - Well, I gotta say......I've had some pretty nasty tasting sea snails in my time, but these were very meaty.

Hi ish - The menu isn't quite as large and varied as HHT, but what I've tried, I've pretty much enjoyed.

The Food Detective

You know I love be thui! Are there lemongrass and lime leaf in the cha oc? Can't wait to try this place!


Hi TFD - You should go with YY, who has the place down. There was some lemongrass but nothing to dull the flavor of the snails.


Looks like fun and interesting food and if they have soju on the menu, all the better!


Hi Lynnea - Yes, the have soju and sake on the drinks list!


I really liked the veal!
I just remembered your clam story :)


Hi Ange - It was good wasn't it?


Hi, do you happen to know why this place is closed and will it open again?


Hi Peter - I knew they changed around their hours, but didn't know they are now closed. Let me check to see if I can find out.

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