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Monday, 20 June 2011



The Red Miso BBQ Wings at Empire House Urban Palate sure look tasty!



I've tried to follow your recommendation for Homestyle twice in the last two weeks and drove 10 miles down there only to find it closed when their posted hours said it would be open. Might try one more time since this sounds so good.


aw these didn't sound too good, hope you can find something better.


Hi Nate - They were ok. I think it needs some work.

Hi P - That's terrible! If you do make it, please try the Korean Chicken. Let me know what happens. I'm kinda a regular, so Mo always asks me what I think.

Hi Kat - I hope so too!


Oh how i missed your chicken wings posts! I've driven by the BBQ Chicken so many times and never even had a desire to stop in. And not sure about paying $1/wing.

You are the one that good me hooked on the Phuong Trang butter wings. But in recent visits there, the wings have been sooo dry.

Have you tried the Korean chicken wings (I thought there was one here in SD but I can't remember).


Just went to BBQ Chicken site and realized it's Korean! I only read your previous post of this place just now. Wow, after all these years this restaurant has been there, i can't believe I just realized they have Korean chicken wings!


I love your wings posts, even if the wings weren't that good. The BBQ Chicken wings look really good, a little like Saveur's Korean Fried Chicken Wings (which I love!).


I occasionally give in to the temptation to get the fried chicken wings from the hot deli counter at 99 Ranch. They're not always good, but they're a real bargain!

I've driven by BBQ Chicken dozens, if not hundreds of times, never felt inclined to stop there. Like my dad says, some restaurant locations just have bad feng shui.


LOL Faye! Yes, BBQ Chicken is the K(orean) F(ried) C(hicken) joint here. I'm not a big fan.

Hi Carol - Those wings were huge; but just didn't do it for me.

Hi Fred - I should do a comparison to the wings at Yum Cha Cafe, which are also dirt cheap... and also sometimes pretty lousy! Thanks for the idea. It's really nice to hear from you. I hope all is well.

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