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Tuesday, 24 May 2011



What a nice looking dish! Looks so ono!


Thanks Nate!


ooh that sounds and looks so good! love roasted veggies.


Hi Kat - It's also pretty easy.


mushrooms are probably my favorite roasted vegetable since they get so juicy. maybe The Missus will let you count cheese stuffed mushrooms as a roasted vegetable =)


Hi Lynnea - I'm a fan of stuffed mushrooms.... but unfortunately the Missus isn't.


Wow that looks really good. I have been having a blast reading your turkish adventure. I would love to go someday. I love turkish food, and luckily they have some good ones here in Germany. I have to say though there are a lot of Döner places here. My favourite turkish foods, are adana kebabs, roasted veggie wrap, but I can't remember what it is called currently. There are some more but I can't think of them right now. I do have to say that I one of the best turkish food I had so far was in Vienna, a block from where we were staying. Berlin had some awesome places too. I love Golzeme. :)


Hey Mills - It's so nice to hear from you! I love Adana Kebabs as well....there are more then a few coming up! I actually was on a flgiht with an ex-pat American who lived in Germany, he shared some photos of where he lived with me, it looked so clean and beautiful.


Heya Kirk!

Germany is beautiful, and I love it here. We're staying here but we're moving out of the big city to a small town. It shall be interesting. I get a bigger place, and a bigger kitchen! You and the Missus are welcome to visit, but I am not sure you want to be in the middle of the country side. :)

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