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Tuesday, 07 December 2010



hi cathy - cool pix of the rodeo! :) and was that a roasted pig i saw? mmmm, lechonn!


Hi Cathy - Sounds like the perfect place for breakfast. Thanks for sharing this, I think we'll check it out on our next jaunt over to Vegas (going to have to get my hands on that banana bread)!


Wow, rodeo live! I love how the roast pig photo was right next to the room with gym equipment. ;) Road trips rock!


Eggtastic breakfast it should have had the roasted pig in there :-)


Hi cc- We had excellent seats this year. It was a small roasted pig, with excellent flavor. Always a great buffet, with the center roasting station featuring prime rib, baked salmon and instead of a whole ham, this little pig. Station Casinos do have the best food at reasonable prices.
Yes, Sherry. Egg Works was a great find. I do love good banana bread and that they make this a signature item was just perfect.
The. Top. Rodeo. Live. I try to get a bit creative when I post, Dennis...sometimes with words, sometimes with the food and this time I had my iPhone. My arms are aching today after using all the exercise machines (the room was about 3x the size in that photo. One machine for each body part. 30 lbs is easy for some muscles and really difficult for other muscles in the same body.)You have yourself a really good road trip!
There was Loco Moco, Hale Loco and 'Islander Favorite' on the menu, bill, but no pork other than sausages or Spam. 8( The menu uses fresh ingredients and imagination in the offerings.


Hey Cathy - What a nice breakfast find. That corned beef looks really good.


It was an absolutely random drive and I am so happy we found it, Kirk. A tasty, fun mini-vacation.


I was checking the locations for Egg Works online; they have a cute website intro.

How would you compare Egg Works to the breakfasts at Blueberry Hill?


I've always been fascinated by Rube Goldberg machines, Sandy.

BBH vs EW is apples and oranges in a lot of ways. Hours open(24 vs 9), blueberry vs banana muffins (and you can get the ones at BBH grilled), any meal at anytime of the day vs breakfasts and sandwiches, price point at BBH is closer to $7 vs $10 at EW...

However. I am a breakfast person and never have had someone ask me HOW I would like my egg poached(hard, medium or runny) and would choose EW if I the other people I was with were wanting breakfast. But I would never turn down BBH. In fact, we were looking for BBH when we left the hotel...

ed (from Yuma)

Looks like you went whole hog.


We had a very good time with food and at the Rodeo, ed.


I didn't get a chance to watch any rodeo. Sounds like you gals had a great time again. Yee-haw!


Oh, it was fun, Carol. We both needed the vacation. Had some great food and general no schedule. The Rodeo was exceptionally good this time.

Phoenix Edler

The rodeo looks great in your photos. The food posted before that are mouth-watering, as well. Heh, looks like that mini vacation you guys went through was an excellent experience!

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