Aahhh yes, breakfast and bowling alleys.... what could be better? Actually, you may be scratching your head a bit on this one. Back in Hawaii, there used to be some pretty good food served in Bowling Alleys. In fact, for a time, Kapiolani Coffee Shop, which used to be on Atkinson close to what was then Aloha Motors, and is now the Hawaii Convention Center, had a shop in Kam Bowl (which has closed). They made the best Oxtail soup!(Don't worry, if I recall you can get the same Oxtail soup at Asahi Grill and Kapiolani Coffee Shop in Waimalu) And in fact, The Alley Restaurant, in the Aiea bowl was on my list (most due to Pomai's post) when I returned home a few months ago. Unfortunately, I was unable to talk the Missus into eating in a bowling alley.
Still, I knew not to expect quite that, since I'd been to Gardena Bowl and the old Holiday Bowl Restaurant's before.
At 7am on Sunday, the place is half full, all old-timers, I'm the youngest by at least 15 years. I had a seat at the counter, and soaked in the atmosphere. I really can't use the word ambiance, because it seems to infer some "high maka-maka" quality. No, this was something special..... I'd never heard so much pidgin since I moved to mainland. And it wasn't just any pidgin, but "time-warp pidgin"..... I heard words, like "holo-holo", "Pake", and "manini".... Which seemed to indicate when these folks had left for "da' really beeg island......" The folks working really didn't talk that way, but they seemed to know most of the people coming in and eating.
The menu, part of it written on the greaseboard reflected the very old-school Japanese/Chinese influenced dishes I grew up eating.
On one of the greaseboards, it said "Poi - $3.50 extra".
I of course, ordered a Loco Moco ($7.50), which came with a dish of very old-school Tsukemono, just like Mom used to make.... literally, it tasted just like her quick Tsukemono... In fact, much of this had a home made quality, albeit that being the 60's and 70's home....
I like that they didn't ask me how I wanted my egg, it was done easy-over. The gravy was very dark, and there were shreds of what seemed like roast beef in it. It wasn't as salty as I expected, rather it was thick and dense, and I love a drizzle of Tabasco on my Loco Moco anyways. The rice was perfect....
The burger patty was lean, and seemed to have little filler.... which some folks might enjoy, but it was pretty chewy. Plus, I ran into what I call "the old toenail".... you know, you bite on a piece of bone or other hard calcified item which almost cracks your teeth. Also, the patty tasted like it was about a day or so from going South, that gamey-metallic flavor, which means you no harm (yet), but trips switches in my head.
Still, I enjoyed this meal. Just listening brought back memories, perhaps different from those that Fukagawa elicited, but very strong none the less. A nice step back to the type of "diner" I grew up eating in.
For that, I'd gladly return......... Plus that gravy ain't too shabby..... This was much like what Mom made, and as much as you criticize Mom's food, you always return for more.
Gardena Bowl Restaurant
15707 S Vermont Ave
Gardena, CA 90247
hi kirk - nice...the "old toenail"!
Posted by: caninecologne | Thursday, 21 October 2010 at 09:55 PM
Hey CC - You've had "old toenail" before, right?
Posted by: Kirk | Thursday, 21 October 2010 at 10:17 PM
nice! and next time you can take out from the Alley :)
Posted by: kat | Thursday, 21 October 2010 at 11:23 PM
I don't believe there are any bowling alleys still left on Oahu (main island).
Posted by: RONW | Friday, 22 October 2010 at 05:53 AM
Blhaha the "old toe nail" sick.
I hate it when it happens and I do love old school diners.
Posted by: bill | Friday, 22 October 2010 at 06:28 AM
Hi Kat - I think I'll do that!
Hi RONW - I believe that the alleys on base are still there, and can't you still bowl at Aiea Bowl?
Hi Bill - Yeah, it always kinda catches you off guard.
Posted by: Kirk | Friday, 22 October 2010 at 07:56 AM
I remember Plaza Bowl in National City used to have some Japanese food way back. Remember eating katsu-don with my parents when I was little.
Posted by: kamisama | Friday, 22 October 2010 at 12:15 PM
Hi Kirk, glad you wrote about this place. I found it by mistake on my trips up but had already eaten so was planning on stopping by my next time. They have this fried rice dish called the Hawaiian Royale but it doesn't seem to be served anywhere on the island as far as I gathered online.
Posted by: Dennis | Friday, 22 October 2010 at 07:16 PM
Hi Kamisama - It's too bad most of these type of places are slowly dying out.
Hi Dennis - Many places make the Royale - King's, Rutt's, along with the standard issue Char Siu Royale, makes one with Spam. It's basically Char Siu Fried Rice sometimes with teriyaki sauce. I remember seeing it back when I was a kid.
Posted by: Kirk | Saturday, 23 October 2010 at 07:15 PM
Hi Kirk, that's awesome! Anyhow the gravy on the loco moco looks nice..
Posted by: Dennis | Saturday, 23 October 2010 at 07:32 PM
Hi Dennis - By all means check out the Royale (it's Roy - all) next time you're in the area. It's bit too sweet for my tastes.
Posted by: Kirk | Monday, 25 October 2010 at 06:26 AM
that gravy looks delicious but after reading your description of the burger I'll pass... did you say oxtail stew?
Posted by: foodhoe | Tuesday, 26 October 2010 at 09:07 AM
Hi FH - Actually Oxtail Soup which is different from Oxtail stew.
Posted by: Kirk | Wednesday, 27 October 2010 at 09:33 AM
I was doing some research on off beat places to eat in SoCal and came across your blog.
Thx for putting the Gardena bowl on my list of places to try.
Posted by: Djfitzgerald111 | Thursday, 16 October 2014 at 03:29 PM