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Thursday, 21 October 2010



hi kirk - nice...the "old toenail"!


Hey CC - You've had "old toenail" before, right?


nice! and next time you can take out from the Alley :)


I don't believe there are any bowling alleys still left on Oahu (main island).


Blhaha the "old toe nail" sick.
I hate it when it happens and I do love old school diners.


Hi Kat - I think I'll do that!

Hi RONW - I believe that the alleys on base are still there, and can't you still bowl at Aiea Bowl?

Hi Bill - Yeah, it always kinda catches you off guard.


I remember Plaza Bowl in National City used to have some Japanese food way back. Remember eating katsu-don with my parents when I was little.


Hi Kirk, glad you wrote about this place. I found it by mistake on my trips up but had already eaten so was planning on stopping by my next time. They have this fried rice dish called the Hawaiian Royale but it doesn't seem to be served anywhere on the island as far as I gathered online.


Hi Kamisama - It's too bad most of these type of places are slowly dying out.

Hi Dennis - Many places make the Royale - King's, Rutt's, along with the standard issue Char Siu Royale, makes one with Spam. It's basically Char Siu Fried Rice sometimes with teriyaki sauce. I remember seeing it back when I was a kid.


Hi Kirk, that's awesome! Anyhow the gravy on the loco moco looks nice..


Hi Dennis - By all means check out the Royale (it's Roy - all) next time you're in the area. It's bit too sweet for my tastes.


that gravy looks delicious but after reading your description of the burger I'll pass... did you say oxtail stew?


Hi FH - Actually Oxtail Soup which is different from Oxtail stew.


I was doing some research on off beat places to eat in SoCal and came across your blog.

Thx for putting the Gardena bowl on my list of places to try.

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