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Thursday, 09 September 2010



charcoal really brings out the flavor in my opinion.... no offence to "clean burning gas" fans

Kirk have you ever tried Chermoule sauce? I use it like you did the chimichurri and it goes great with fish, too


it might not look pretty but it does look delicious!


Hi Chris - And beyond that, I prefer hardwood charcoal to briquettes. I've had food prepared with Chermoula sauce at various Moroccan restaurants, but have never tried to make it myself.

Hi Kat - I was surprised that it worked so well as a sandwcih spread.


The sauce sounds great, especially on grilled veggie sandwich.


I got to ask, why doesn't the Mrs. eat chicken? I'm all about garlic and cilantro, this is a sauce that I might enjoy, I'm not sure about using it as a marinade, but it sounds like a great salad dressing or dipping sauce. I’ve got to grill more vegetables, I usually do zucchini, onions, and asparagus, but never thought about eggplant.


Hi CArol - Yes, it really worked well on bread.

Hi AZ - The Missus stopped eating chicken and turkey after seeing a commercial on television. I mention it at the end of this post:


that sauce sounds delicious but I have to say it's really a lovely shade of green.


Hi Lynnea - The Missus enjoys this best cut with a little lime used as a sandwich spread.

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