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Sunday, 19 September 2010



Both the beef and chicken looked great Kirk! I cant wait to come by and try some. Their 99 cent kabob lunch is definitely something I have to try.


minus the pita everything looks delicious!


Hi Darwin - I meant that there are 99 cent kabob specials, where you have to order over a number of kabobs, and Mon-Tues specials.... which are I think $6..... with the amount of food, it's still a good value.

Hi Kat - I was pleasantly surprised.


The kabobs look delicious. The last couple of times I had kabobs, the meat was a bit dry on both times but I certainly would give this one a shot!


It's meat! ....on a schtiiiiiiick.

I'm curious about the tea flavor? For some reason, I'm hoping it's sort of sweet and minty like Moroccan tea.


This particular place wasn't always so friendly, but it's a new owner from when we were here a few years ago. The food has always been excellent. Glad you tried it.


Hi Carol - These were very moist. I think that the flavor of the kabobs at Village Grill is still better.

Hi Rosa - It was simple dark tea, which you sweetened yourself. Nothing special, but it was a nice touch.

Hi Cathy - OK, I was wondering why all the signs went up. The place used to look a but forboding..... the guy here was really nice.


what a huge and delicious looking plate of food for 7 dollars.


Hi Lynnea - It was well worth 7 bucks!


That's a big meal for one.


Hey Tammy - Not really if you recall what we had at Village Grill!


that looks so darn good. i've def. been missing meat in my diet lately...gonna have to start lookin for some of that or perhaps if i'm feeling ambitious enough, make my own. the price is pretty good too!


Hi Sawyer - I hope you can find something like this where you are!

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