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Tuesday, 28 September 2010



I've been craving dimsum recently... those dumplings with the twisted edges look so beautiful, and so many unusual and delicious sounding dishes. It's hot over here too, summer really took it's time to get here and I'm ready for it to turn into fall!


everything looked so good no wonder you highly recommend it. hope the weather gets better over there!


For a moment when I glanced at the title "Dim Sum at Sea Harbor" I thought you were in Richmond's Sea Harbour. Got me excited for a while. LOL!

Wow, the order form has color pictures on them, huh? That I have yet to see in Vancouver although we have tons of fine dim sum restaurants.



heard about that hot weather in your neck of the woods. Imagine the heat in a restaurant's kitchen.

Hi Kirk! I can answer your question since I grew up in El Monte and went to Rosemead High School. Before it was Sea Harbour, the building was a Farrell's Ice Cream Parlor. I went to a few birthdays there when I was in elementary school - they had awesome ice cream sundaes. Farrell's went out of business in the mid 90s and the building was empty for a while. Sea Harbour opened around '00 or '01 and it wasn't very popular at first since the idea of expensive dim sum was pretty foreign to the area. Business definitely picked up after it was in business for a year or so and now there's always lines out the door.

Have you tried this take out dim sum place off of Garfield and a little north of Garvey? I think it's pretty close to Dean Sin World. It's this tiny booth that's been serving take out dim sum even before I was born. My aunt used to work near there at the Garfield hospital (where I was born!) and I would always get excited anytime she'd bring me this bright pink box since I knew it would have the bbq pork buns that I loved. Now THAT place is a Monterey Park institution. I haven't been back in years, but I'll definitely check it out when I'm in SGV this coming weekend.


I've been to Sea Harbour a few times, but the last visit was at least 3-4 years ago. We usually stick with the traditional dim sum items, so the ones you chose are very unique to me (cheong fun with bitter melon?) Were these listed on the English menu?

I also remember the health code rating - instead of a letter, it was 68/100! That's a D grade. Of course, the restaurant was packed with people so obviously the letter wasn't an issue!


Farrell's? The chicken brought thoughts of Mrs. Knott's to mind, but I read that she specifically did not want to franchise despite tremendous pressure to do so. So Farrell's it is. :)


Hi FH - Someone was telling me that it was over a hundred in SAnta Cruz the other day! It hit a 107 near the office I was working from....

Hi Kat - Thanks.... it's already cooling off; though now it's getting more humid.

Hi Ben - It's so nice to hear from you! They also have a picture menu as well.

Hi RONW - LOL! I don't even want to think about it.

Hi Kmylml - Thanks so much for the historical tidbit! And the place you're mentioming is Dim Sum Express. It's been there forever!

Hi Sandy - I think Sea Harbour is getting better. I believe every item we ordered was on the English picture menu. They also had an 'A' rating.... so you might want to go before they get a 'B'. ;o)

Hi Jan - I di think the answer was going to be some fried chicken joint too.

Green Turtle

Wow! That's alot of good quality dim sum for $40. I'm sure at China Max, it'd be $60 or more for the equivalent. By the way, next Wed (10/6), Jasmine's having a free party from 6-8pm if you're on their VIP mailing list (free to sign up on their website).

Jeff C

Kirk, I really need to go to Cali SGV, I didn't realize how out of touch I was with the dim sum until your post. Those are some really interesting new dishes they are coming up with. Chowhound has an interesting discussion on how LA no longer has any decent Cantonese HK cuisine. Such a turn around from when I was growing up in Cali and how the only thing you could find was Cantonese.


Hi GT - Nothing in San Diego even comes close....

Hi Jeffrey - That discussion seems a bit of a waste. In many cases the folks seem to be looking for something that is a snapshot of time......


Wow, so many unique dim sum dishes I haven't seen before. Trying to convince BF to do another LA run but with the hot weather, he hasn't been willing.


Hi Kirbie - I think that sitting in an air conditioned car is better than stewing in your juices at home! ;o)


Hi Kirk! Those wrappers on the steam dumplings are so pretty! And it sounds delicious!


Hi Carol - This is one of our favorite stops for Dim Sum.


Uuu, we need to go here. Mr. C never takes me to eat dim sum anymore. Is everything on the menu in chinese?


Hi Tammy - Oh no, they have English translations.... and even photos! I think Mr C doesn't take you to dim sum in SD because it's so inconsistent.


Hmm... Slow roasted Kirk... :D


Hi CP - More like a braise! Without a nice aroma....

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