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Monday, 26 July 2010



Did you know the only difference with the large pho is the extra noodle. My uncle use to own a pho joint and all that was added was noodles. WTF I want my meat. The brisket with the trimming looks great.


Hi Bill - That's true in some cases.... though I've noticed a bit more meat sometimes. It depends on the upcharge in sizes. There's an upcoming post where the difference in meat was pretty large.


it really has been soup weather lately. pho sounds like a good idea on these cold mornings.


Oh man, the mention of Bun Mang Vit made me think of Pho 97 back in Honolulu - my favourite place for this dish! :)




It certainly is cooler than usual up here... summers where my .offices are usually 90's at this time of year but are in the low to mid 70's... seriously abnormal but that means I can go get that steaming hot bowl of noodles in late July! I want some of that duck...


Hi Lynnea - It has been kinda strange this summer so far, hasn;t it?

Hi Kathy - I've got to add that to my "list"!

Hi Kat - Yeah, the food was pretty good.

Hi FH - It has been pretty decent Pho weather 'round these parts as well.

One satisfied feller

Let me tell you a little something about Tay Do. It's freaking awesome! You won't find any other place cleaner than this place. These people treated me better than your mom did. It works well with them young people. I'd walk a thousand miles just to visit this restaurant. These prices are ridiculous, I mean it's crazy how good these prices are. Just... Just visit this place.


Hey OSF - Thanks for taking the time out to shill, umm, comment! There's a site called Yelp, that would just love comments like yours.... I found the fact that you never mentioned how good the food was interesting to say the least. BTW, the prices are pretty much in line with other Pho joints.... so maybe you'll check them out and let me know how you enjoyed them as well!


pho tay do
I like the sense of humor in the restaurant's name (po ta to)

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