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Sunday, 25 July 2010



What a wonderful post! And I'm totally craving Yuman Mexican food right now.. I learned a new word too - uniquity. :)


It looks good. I would give it a shot despite the reviews.


Aww want!

By the way, this was the first time I've read this word anywhere: "uniquity"


ed (from yuma)

Glad you folks enjoyed the post. If you go there, bill, avoid things like the combination plate. Same with the nachos. They make a big deal about the nachos, but that reflects the '50s before most Americans had any idea of what nachos were.

Glad a couple of you noticed "uniquity." I ran across the word a few years ago in the collected works of Poe, and I always wondered why it never became more ubiquitous.


Ah...this reminds me of some of the old style San Diego 'Mexican' food we used to have. I call it more 'Southwestern' style rather than Mexican. Certainly it had a more El Norte flavor than this new Baja fresh-mex stuff we have now.

I really miss really good chili gravy...especially on handmade tamales.

There is a place in National City that still makes them like that called La Hacienda. Its got new owners, but still does things old school.


I love this post. Knowing (and seeing) that the naysayers just don't know how to order is always refreshing. Great photos.


This place reminds me a bit of my favorite Mexican restaurant in NoCal. They also served burritos and chimichungas with sauces and cheese. Loved it!


I'll stand up and be counted as one of the online haters. I ordered the Chile Verde burrito, specifically after reading about the restaurant on this site. If the sauce the meat is in is an acquired taste, so be it. But, there's no explaining away the abysmally low-quality meat that was stuffed inside that thing. On top of that, the service was atrocious.

I understand if this is good nostalgia food for Yuma natives/long-term residents. But, I'd advise outsiders to approach with caution.

Guess I'm glad I didn't order one of the non-recommended dishes.

ed (from Yuma)

I'm glad you responded, Brian. I understand how someone could be disappointed in the green chile at Chretin's. I know that my mouth was puzzled the first time I ordered it. But I don't think that the meat is "low-quality;" in both the red and green chile, the beef is just very coarsely ground and then thoroughly stewed -- making the texture so tender as to be soft and mushy. Totally unlike the chunky or shredded meats that one expects in green chile. Sorry that you did not have a good time with that dish, but I did try to warn people in the post on mutant green chilies that Chretin's version was like nothing they have ever had anywhere else. Your comment should stand as another warning to folks -- not everybody will like everything here.

As for the problems with the service, those things happen -- and maybe happen more often in Yuma than in other cities. But these days, Chretin's service is actually a notch above local standard.


You did, indeed, warn that it was different.

On the flip side, I have visited a taco truck in Yuma (I don't recall which off the top of my head) that you recommended and was rather pleased. Unfortunately, more often than not, when I'm in Yuma I'm often in a hurry to get back on the road and unwilling to drive around and seek out a good meal... or, it's late in the evening and many of the local options are closed. As such, the Yuma fare I'm most familiar with is the Carl's Jr. drive-thru.

ed (from yuma)

Yeh, late night in Yuma cuts down on choices. We do have a decent Filiberto's on 4th Ave around 18th that is open 24hrs. Probably the best real late night fare. I also suspect some of the taco trucks on 8th St are open late.


all of those saucy dishes and rice and beans sound so good. I dunno, the description of the green chile/thanksgiving gravy sauce really have my tastebuds intrigued... one of these days I must visit Yuma to check out these fabled food shrines!

bill jordan

please send me the green chili burrito recipe so i can enjoy them again imoved to missouri and miss them so much pleaes help my craving !

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