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Monday, 14 June 2010



Grilled asparagus? There's something not deep-fried at the fair?? :P

Chocolate covered pickle? That just sounds incredibly icky to me but then again, I'm not a huge pickle fan. But it may be fun to confound Husband with it. He LOVES chocolate but HATES pickles. :D

ed (from Yuma)

What? No fried butter?

Thanks for the post and the pics. Nice to know that some healthy stuff can be found at the fair.


Not a food-related comment, but...that lion is amazing! :)


Thanks for answering my question about the deep fried avocado on the other post, Cathy! Gotta admit, I was keeping my fingers crossed for a picture and review of the chocolate covered pickles. Maybe next time. :) The asparagus look delicious.

Gotta admit, I don't quite get the concept of deep fried butter. Is it like soup dumplings or lava cake, where you cut into it and the butter oozes out?


To all:

Sammy's(Sammy Sushi) is coming back to his old location.

Also, a good little wine bar is Voyou on the corner of 5th and Pennsylvania.Owned by french people, highly recommend the cucumber and avocado soup, charcuterie, and the endive salad.


Hi Kathy are these food booths (or at least some of them) local SD businesses? Or do they make their rounds through different fairs around the country..? I don't have much of a sweet tooth but those cream puffs look amazing!


I would like the pickle and not care about the chocolate, Rosa. I think I want to try the grilled artichoke next.
I wanted the fresh spinach wrap from the palapa "Health Smart" menu and stood in line for that four different times, ed. Opening day and a horrid line just to order and pay.
The woodworking sections of the Fair are always our favorite exhibits to see, Lori.
The fried butter just looked like crispy greasy tortilla knots, h. I thought they'd be bread doughy.
Thanks for the info, PedMa.
The booths are California based, and start with our Fair-the Southernmost and first large County Fair- and move North to the other County Fairs in the state, culminating at Sacramento State Fair in October, Dennis. The cream puffs really are my once a year Fair Food.


All the eats, YUM.


Mmmm...grilled artichoke. I wonder if they will do grilled pickles at some point?

I guess I can look forward to seeing some of these booths at the LA County fair!


Is the fair still doing the fill out this computerized questionnaire and come back for free deal at the entrance?


It's a really good County Fair, Bill.
Oh yes, most of these boths will be at the LA County Fair, Rosa. Just not until September (you get Labor Day!)..80 more days... Check your paper for discount ads and the LA Fair website
I didn't notice the computers at the entrance, Soo. There are lots of ways to get cheaper tickets or free admission though.

I can't wait to go to the fair again this year! I always get corn on the cob, caramel apple tower, and something deep fried. We usually bring a small cooler full of bottled water and snacks and leave it with the hospitality office to try to save some money. I love perusing the different displays! The woodwork looks wonderful!


Hi Kymlml. We got the carmel apple tower the first year we saw it and it was very good, as is the corn on the cob. The local entries are what makes the Fair, the Woodworking this year has some beautiful entries by both students and professionals.

Rosa-I realised you mentioned grilled pickles and I dreamt about some last night! The texture was rubbery...


LOL, Cathy! I'm curious to actually try grilling pickles but I don't think Husband will be okay with one of his most hated foods touching his beloved grill.

Others out there have tried it and liked it based on the Google results. But no mention on what the texture was like...


They had fried pop tarts?! Which stand was that at? I'm also still looking for the stand with the fried Klondike Bar.

The chocolate bacon is indeed delicious.


It woud maybe impart a taste of vinegar if pickles were on the grill, Rosa. I've had deep fried pickles and they were OK. Because of breading...
Hi Chris. The pop tarts, Klondike bars, chicken on a Krispy Kreme jelly donut and frog legs are all the the Chicken Charlie's booths. Take a right from the Midway on the aisle that has the Cinnamon Rolls- toward the bridge that goes over to the infield. It's the second from bottom of the photos on the first 2010 SDCounty Fair post I did (just above the Heart Attack Cafe).

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