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Friday, 11 June 2010



totally sad about the two papers :(

the chicken looks wonderful, reminds me of the days when we used to go on field trips and my mom would make us mochiko chicken wings.

Gypsy Jan

Hi Kirk,

My late MIL lived in Hawaii from the 1920's-70's, and I was lucky enough to inherit her recipe collection which includes pamphlets published like; "The Culinary Arts Exhibition, January 28, 1960", Sponsored by the International Geneva Association (Aloha Branch), "This booklet presented with the compliments of Honolulu Gas Company, Limited".

I am transcribing these recipes to my computer and I would love to share the recipes and history with you.



the chicken actually looks fairly appetizing and the recipe sounds incredibly so. yum!


Hi Kat - Yes.... old school okazuya stuff indeed!

Hi Jan - I'd be flattered and honored! Thanks so much of thinking of us. You know, you can always start a food blog! I'm sure you have quite a bit to say and share! ;o)

Hi Lynnea - How very nice of you to say that!


I think you're too hard on yourself. Those photos look darned tasty.


for da record, the newspapers' merger exists in name only. The way it went is that the Star-Bulletin bought the Advertiser. Then what seemed like the very next day it put its own self up for sale. Huh? Oh, yeah. Having found no buyers .... after all, buying a print media of all things in a down economy .... the Star-Bulletin summarily dismissed the Advertiser staff en mass and and as the story goes "merged." In reality, the Star-Advertiser is wholly operated by Star-Bulletin employees, save for a handful of former workers of the Advertiser who survived the axe.

da arrangement is that subscribers of the defunct Advertiser are to continue to receive the new Star-Advertiser until the expiration of their subscriptions. Curiously, a lot of people have reported that they are currently receiving two copies of the Star-Advertiser, the same edition, delivered at their doorsteps, I surmise, through some software foul-up. The irony in all of this, is that while many subscribers are receiving the extra and redundant newspaper, the Star-Advertiser has yet to set up an online website, leaving non-subscribers in the dark with no way to get the local news from their computers, or at least in the same way we've grown accustomed to, not to mention, loss revenue that the Star-Advertiser is missing out from online ads during the interim.


Hey RONW - Well that's interesting. I was kinda waiting for you to weigh in on this. One thing though, I've been reading the Star Advertiser website since the seventh.


oh wow, now you tell me. They didn't direct the viewers to the new websites .... even the Star-Bulletin's old website didn't mention anything. Like, are we suppose to know this. Mahalo.


Hey RONW - They really didn't do a good job. The only reason I found the new link was that it was on the bottom of the announcement in fine print!


Hey Kirk! Your chicken and wings look delicious. I like the mustard-shoyu dipping sauce too.


Thanks Carol!

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