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Wednesday, 05 May 2010



uuuu, they look so good. I didn't even know you can order food there.


wow, that's a lot of avocado there! nice! bristol 'tots' look good too!

they were going to open a bristol farms in east chula vista at the otay ranch town center. instead, that was nixed and they replaced it with best buy instead. bummer.

it would have been nice to have an alternative place to go to for food items.


That sure some fancy and pricey breakfast but if it's quality heck I am for it.
I wonder how fishy it is to cook up smoke salmon.


There is a Cafe in each location, Tammy. Years ago, we went to the location at Crown Valley Parkway and the I-5 and had the *best* cream of mushroom soup...
I like to tell people that Bristol makes Whole Foods seem like a bargain, CC. Maybe the demographics in that area are different than closer to La Jolla...the other location I go to is in OC. It would be nice if a Trader Joe's was in Chula Vista.
We did get the regular priced dishes, Bill and usually always get something smaller or a Daily Special. I was sort of tossing out a Mother's Day idea. It is quality food here. The salsa in particular was really good. The smoked salmon was just warmed through and the eggs did not have a fishy taste. It fit a craving for me (plus The Mister does not like lox, so we could share).


Well, there *is* a Trader Joe's in Eastlake.


I totally missed seeing it the last few times I was in that area! Thanks, Ed!


Nice! I didn't know about this place and it is easier to get to for me than Whole Foods.


Actually, both are on Nobel, JF. About a mile apart. I usually hit both when I am in the area. More fun than the mall.


hi cathy - Actually there is a Trader Joe's in Chula Vista - in the Eastlake Village shopping complex (also has Henry's, Border's, the new Pho Hiep Grill, etc).


You must have gotten there crazy early... I've never seen the parking lot that empty!!

In the afternoon, I've always seen them hawking the prime rib, roast turkey, and the fresh pizza.


I'm going to have to check out that TJs, CC. I know that complex and suppose I drove past in a hurry. Many times.
Yes, mindless, the prime rib and turkey meals to go are wonderful tasting and not overpriced. The two slices of pizza with a beverage for $6 is an easy lunch. The panini's are really good, too.


Hi Cathy, I never sat down to eat breakfast here. One of these days I'll be up early enough. I actually come for lunch a lot out of convenience. Everything on the hot trays are very rich and it doesn't take a lot to fill you up (though it's hard not to over fill your container!).


This Bristol Farms used to be an Albertsons. I've never dined at the cafe; I usually end up getting the hot food to go. And thanks to mmm-yoso, I get poke at the fish counter.


Weekends, Dennis. Not that you want to be awake early, but so many places are uncrowded and chores can get done and over with before noon...
I remember when it was Albertson's Sandy...and thought they had sold it. Then I read that Bristol is owned by that company and so it makes sense. I do usually buy poke-by-the-pound here. It is perfect. I enjoy the samples too.

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