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Friday, 02 April 2010





Wow. That looks good. I've been frustrated with cooking eggplant, because, as you said, its an oil mop.
This looks pretty tasty, and pretty easy.


I love eggplant. what a yummy looking recipe.

I have to admit, we're still in our apartment dwelling days =) and it is the biggest impetus for innovation and new cooking/baking/food prep techniques. I come up with more weird and clever ways to do things than i ever did when I had tons of counter space and more utensils than I ever needed.


I love eggplant dishes! Yours looks so good. I have a recipe for spicy garlic eggplant that I've been meaning to try. I think I'll do that soon.


Hi Kat - Yes.... this one has stood the test of time.

Hi Stephen - Try his one out. It is pretty easy.

Hi Lynnea - You know, by the way I suck up space in our kitchen, I still wonder how I survived with a tiny apartment kitchen so long.

Hi Carol - I looks forward to that!


I just love spicy garlicky eggplant, especially with the smoky wok flavor... never tried it at home, you make it sound so easy!


Hi FH - This one is very easy.


I didn't cook much when I lived in the bachelor pad, but my roommate did. His favorite "concoction" was white rice topped with canned tuna and stringbeans with black pepper and soy sauce. Very microwave friendly, but just not very tempting to me at the time. Perhaps its time to give it a try (with the current shape of my belly and all).


Hi Jan - That doesn't sound like something I'd like to eat either.....

lisa ng

hi, I've always thought about eggplants are like you said a haven for oil. Lucky for me though, my mother-in-law has a way she uses them which does wonders cooking them, but they don't have the oil, she steams them for about 10-15 minutes till they run clear. Then, she makes a sauce using ground beef/pork, garlic, water, a bit of dark soy sauce and pours them over the eggplants. Yum! My email add is [email protected] feel free to email if you have any questions :0)


Hi, I've cooked this recipe of yours 3-4 times now and plan to cook it again tonight to wow friends as it is such an amazing recipe! I'm planning to try your spicy steamed eggplants next! keep the great recipes coming! :) and thank you!


Hi Celine - Thanks so much for telling me how the eggplant turned out! It's a recipe I'm still making on a regular basis.

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