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Sunday, 14 March 2010



today WAS a great day in San Diego!

i saw this post on "italian" sandwiches and i remembered the great sandwiches, one of which i just had this morning, at Con Pane. not quite "italian" but delicious sandwiches nonetheless.

i enjoy the blog! thanks for all the great restaurant reviews!


Thanks for the mention Kirk! Maybe it's because I never had the real deal but it's hard for me to criticize grilled meat with melted cheese I guess, haha.. But I did think the steak sandwich at PG could've had more meat for the price. It sure was a great day today! :)


would love an Italian sub sandwich now...


Funny that...there's a Jersey Mike's Subs on Rosecrans up here by us! Husband and I want to give it a try.


Glad to see a sandwich post. Philly Grill is close by.
I've been there a couple times, but I guess I've been lucky. The sandwiches haven't been that skimpy.Suzanne is really personable, and she works HARD. One of the things about the hours is she basically runs the place herself, and she has had some physical challenges. One of the better chain restaurants i've been to for sandwiches, Submarina, seems to have left town. Much better than Subway.


Having grown up near Philly, i love a good sub! I love cheese steaks even more. I am looking forward to your cheese steak round-up. If you get a chance, check out Giorgino's in Golden Hill. I've only been once, but the cheese steak was pretty good.


Hi Jaelyn - Thanks for dropping by and commenting. I have been to Con Pane, hopefully I'll find the time to do a post.

Hi Dennis - It was a beautiful day indeed.

Hi Kat - I'd love to buy you one! ;o)

Hi Rosa - It is very "chain-ish", but I do like the bread.

Hi Stephen - There are a couple of Submarinas left. I know for sure that there's one on the corner of Balboa and Convoy.

Hi Dave - I hope to get around to that before my arteries seize up! ;o)


We took Mr. Doggie to Carmel Mountain Preserve this weekend. I highly recommend it if you want to see what an original San Diego mesa looked like before being developed. It's probably the only untouched one left. Lots of parking at the new rec center at the end of E. Ocean Air Dr. and just a stones throw from a Stir Fresh (ha ha! not many food decent choices in the area)


Happy dogs! =)


Hi Jan - Sounds like a nice hike!

Hi Lynnea - Sammy was in heaven.

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