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« Beef Sate Egg Noodle Soup overload - Minh Ky, Cam Ky, Hao Vi, and Tan Ky Mi Gia times 2 | Main | Chinese Style Spicy Eggplant »

Wednesday, 31 March 2010



everything looks so good! lup cheong...mmm!


I have to say that stir fried bunch of goodies looks really really good. Not sure why, maybe all the textures and colors and crispiness. =)Yum!


I need to fry up my fish but it smells so fishy in the house.


Hi Kat - We love good turnip cake.

Hi Lynnea - I can tell you eat with your eyes.

Hi Billy - Did you notice that I was frying outside on the Big Kahuna?


Kirk. Why do you this! Every morning when i ck your post, I dread reading something yummy b/c it makes me crave it all dang day.

What's the overall prep time for the ingredients? How do you shred the daikon (w/ food processor or by hand?). Do you season the daikon at all? I will also ck your past turnip cake recipes.

My grams use to make this when I was little and it always seems like SOOOO much work! But your method seems like it's manageable so perhaps I can actually try it! Thanks!


Just read the other post - did you add any rice flour to this recipe? Is that a must for this or can we leave it out?


Hi Faye - I didn't want to rehash the recipe, so didn't go through it step by step here. You have to create a batter, so you do need the rice flour. The actual hands on prep time is not long, most of it is spent shredding the daikon. But you do have to wait for the ingredients to cool before creating the batter, and you need to steam. So it is psread over a couple of hours.


wow, both of those look good. I like turnip cakes, but those ingredients are making it sound extra delicioso.


Kirk, you are definitely Asian. LOL
We love our stinky food but hell if we want our house smell like fried food for days.


Hi FH - Thanks. It's good some great fflavor.

Hi Bill - Yeah, I guess I am.... ;o)

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