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Friday, 19 March 2010


Pam P

long time lurker, first time commenter :) I just had to share that if you are ever over in the Coachella Valley, Palm Springs or Palm Desert, Sherman's Deli has the most delicious pastrami on earth. It's been 3 months since I ate my sandwich and I still dream of it!


Welcome to the 'other side' of the blog, Pam! I have friends going to PS this weekend and will mention it to them. I can travel there in a few weeks...I understand completely what makes a sandwich memorable. I must try Sherman's soon.

ed (from Yuma)

Good to hear your voice (read your voice?) again, Cathy. I thought you were even busier than I am. I have no idea where one could even find a pastrami sandwich out here - much less a good one.


Hi Cathy! Most of the Boars Head brand stuff we've purchased have been good. It's been years since I've been to the Harvest Ranch in Del Mar. Next time I'm in that area, I'm stopping in to try their pastrami sandwich. Hope work hasn't driven you crazy yet.


Hi, ed. It seems I merely 'took off' for a month, doesn't it? At least I got a sit down at a table meal-and took photos. It was a very good sandwich.
Oh, Carol...yes Boars Head meats are excellent, hot or cold. Harvest Ranch is a very nice place to shop, I just hadn't been to that part of town in a while. Now I want to go back, for fun groceries. Maybe in about a month...


I'm a huge fan of the house brand tortilla chips they sell there.


great place!!!


That's right, James. High on my list for the next shopping trip.
Welcome to commenting, Thatssoron.

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