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Monday, 22 February 2010



first! haha =p

nice ideas/beautiful presentation! had to look up what brunoise meant =p i esp like the tartar...and will have to look up and try your poke recipe soon!


I would be happy to eat the Missus' share of poke and crusted maguro!

Nice presentation on your four dishes, too.


Hey Sawyer - It's a very simple recipe. BTW, Marukai in West Covina has decent quality maguro.

Hi Sandy - I'll remember that next time! ;o)


And whatever Sandy doesn't eat, I will!

Though the natto... =/ I haven't tried that yet but my Japanese coworker says it's"acquired" taste.


impressive! all those dishes look so tempting.

What brand of Natto do you use?


No wonder the Miss stick around. ;-)


Hi Rosa - I'd agree, it's a pretty acquired taste..... but you eat Den Jang, right?

Hi Lynnea - We really haven't found a brand we like, and are still going from brand to brand. We may end up making our own natto.

Hi Billy - LOL! he-he-he..... that must be the reason.


I won't be leaving any leftovers for Rosa or anyone else!

I may have commented on it before, but I just noticed that we have the same Mikasa plate as in the crusted maguro picture.


LOL Sandy! We bought some mix and match Mikasa stuff from the "outlet" center in the rear of Mikasa stores, so we have a bunch of mismatched Mikasa plates.


I do but rarely now. I don't really cook much Korean food at home due to the Husband being an unadventurous eater (sigh) *AND* picky. :P

Is the flavor/texture similar?


great way to use 1 pound! my uncle used to marinate leftover sashimi in ginger, soy and a little mirin, then put onto hot rice and pour hot tea over everything, maybe you could try it next "winter" :)


I've made natto. Still hit or miss for me. You can get the spores from Gem Cultures. You can even try using a frozen package you buy as a starter and I have done it that way. I'm not Japanese or Asian. But I love it the common Japanese way which is with soy sauce and scallions quickly stirred in till you see gooey gooey natto threads. Other possible add ins -- chopped garlic or onion, cayenne, ginger juice, miso.

I used a 15 watt light bulb in my stove's oven to maintain the proper temperature. Smaller the soybean the better chance of the natto bacterial action penetrating the entire bean. In Japan they select special smaller natto soy beans

You can freeze natto without diminishing the quality so making a large batch is a good idea.


Just curious what is a good quality shoyu. I use Aloha or Yamasa.


Hi Rosa - I think it's the texture, or to be more precise the anticipation of a certain texture, since it's kinda brown and slimy looking, with stringy "stuff". The flavor isn't like Den Jang, but it has that fermented flavor.

Hi Kay - My Mom loved Chazuke, so maybe one of these days....

Hi Joey - Yes, I was looking into picking up some spores.... there's a place in San Diego that sells them.

Hi Kyle - You can start with premium whole bean Kikkoman.... and go up from there. I've used Yuasa a couple of itmes though I think it's much too expensive. It's tastes way different from the regular stuff. I use Aloha for my marinades, and for basic poke, but good shoyu for my shoyu poke.


Hi Kirk, definitely going to try that tartare recipe one of these days! And how funny is it that the can used was tuna.. :)
Weird I just picked up a 3-pack of natto tonight and came home and read your post. Making your own sounds fun and I bet Sammy and Frankie would love it!(?)


I feel the same way too sometimes. I'm only good for the food I make. LOL


Local spores! good
Buy soybeans that are small. They come in different sizes.

Black soybeans are also good for natto. I see black beans in Oriental marts that sure look like black soybeans but due to language barriers I could not get a definitive answer. Now that I think about it I could buy them and just from the way soybeans cook up I could probably tell if they were black soybeans or just black beans of some kind


awesome looking Valentines day feasting... and you had both natto and yamakake? Very fine dining indeed...


Hi Dennis - This one is easy..... it is kinda ironic, that I used a tuna can.... I'm not sure Sammy or Frankie will take to natto..... that'll be a funny one.

LOL Billy! I'm just a vessel from which food appears....

Hi Joey - Yes, I usually use the smaller dried soy beans when I make tofu.

Hi FH - I had maguro on my hands..... and I wanted something rather easy.


Kirk, this is why you are so great. I just knew you would say something about making your own Natto. It seems a bit daunting a task. We try new brands every time and non of them are particularly inspiring.

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