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Saturday, 09 January 2010



too bad about that taco truck, at least you still have the german one.


Hi Kat - Looking on the bright side you're totally right.


Wow, I'm so happy that Royal Mandarin is remodeling. I thought it was gone forever. I love salt and pepper wing dings.



A month or so ago I noticed a taco truck parked in the 97 cents store up the street from Joe's 99 cents store (a few blocks north on Linda Vista Road). I don't know if it's the same one but I just inferred that the 97 cents store had offered them lower rent.


Hi Tammy - Yes, they will be back, after all they are a institution.

Hi emma - Yes, I noticed that "truck", it wasn't La Princesita, but someone else. Unfortunately, they were only there for maybe two weeks? I went to check them out, and haven't seen them since!

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