Royal Mandarin update:
To follow-up on a comment made on my December 30th post by Johari, regarding the fire at Royal Mandarin. You can see a more detailed story here. I decided to take adrive down to National City myself and check out what's going on.
As you can see, the entrnaces and a couple of the plate glass windows have been boarded up.
What was really interesting was the large group of folks in the place.... lot's of chatter going on.....
To get to the point, it looks like Royal Mandarin will be reopening soon, though I think a March date is pretty ambitious.
Taco Truck Stuff:
Over the holidays, I noticed that the Mariscos German Taco Truck was gone from the lot on the corner of Balboa and Clairemont Drive. I hoped that it was only for a break over the holidays, and I was rewarded with a sighting of the truck this past week. So it looks like the truck is back.
On a sadder note, it looks like the La Princesita Taco truck is gone from the Linda Vista location for good. A sad day indeed.....
too bad about that taco truck, at least you still have the german one.
Posted by: kat | Saturday, 09 January 2010 at 10:17 PM
Hi Kat - Looking on the bright side you're totally right.
Posted by: Kirk | Sunday, 10 January 2010 at 02:29 PM
Wow, I'm so happy that Royal Mandarin is remodeling. I thought it was gone forever. I love salt and pepper wing dings.
Posted by: Tammy | Sunday, 10 January 2010 at 07:36 PM
A month or so ago I noticed a taco truck parked in the 97 cents store up the street from Joe's 99 cents store (a few blocks north on Linda Vista Road). I don't know if it's the same one but I just inferred that the 97 cents store had offered them lower rent.
Posted by: emma | Sunday, 10 January 2010 at 08:44 PM
Hi Tammy - Yes, they will be back, after all they are a institution.
Hi emma - Yes, I noticed that "truck", it wasn't La Princesita, but someone else. Unfortunately, they were only there for maybe two weeks? I went to check them out, and haven't seen them since!
Posted by: Kirk | Sunday, 10 January 2010 at 09:59 PM