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Tuesday, 12 January 2010


Eat. Travel. Eat!

This is quite interesting. I've heard of the Puka dogs also via Bourdain on the Travel Channel but never tried one.

Yeah, that baguette looks more like the heat and eat types rather than a freshly baked baguette. I guess it fits their model better though as the bread needs to be soft.


Can never have too much Chorizo. That stuff is delicious!


Oh geesh another way to make a hot dog without all the condiments dropping out upon the first bite.
Not sure if its worth that much but I love me some hot dogs occasionally but not for that price. FYI - Costco sell the natural hot dog without the preservative and I think it's a dang good one too. I think the brand is Coleman. Let us know what you think about it.


mmmm, chorizo and mad dog sauce! Not sure about the puffy baguette, I'm partial to the fluffy steamed buns...


Hi ETE - I think a toast of the interior would make things a bit more interesting texture wise.

Hi Lynnea - Well said.... one can never get too much chorizo! ;o)

Hi Billy - Costco Dogs are a bargain..... it used to be made by Hebrew National, but I think they've changed things around. Personally, for the price, I usually get a sausage!

Hi FH - I love a nice fluffy steamed roll too!


Too many choices! Why can't places like this offer up a couple of combinations they have already worked out? How am i supposed to know if an andouille sausage with raspberry chipotle and mad dog sauce would be good or gross? Too much trial and error...

Boots in the Oven

Thanks for linking to our Puka dog review! Yeah, I think part of the problem with our puka dogs was that they were way undertoasted, so I sympathize with your experience of too much bready bread. Chorizo, though, now THERE's an idea!

And Dave, seriously! Give us some recommendations, - how do we know if the guava mustard goes with the pineapple relish or not?


Ooh, this looks interesting. Interesting enough for me to make a trip into PB.


I love a good hot dog but you can't really get them over here - just pappy ones in cinema :p


Hi Dave - Yes, that's why I had to ask the young man for a recommendation.

Hi BITO - I like the different sausage concept...... there needs to be some textural contrast to keep things interesting. I loved that post BTW.

Hi Kirbie - I dunno if it's worth the trip, but it is a bit different. Right across from Bareback Grill.

Hi Meemalee - "Pappy ones" I love it!


When I was down ther I heard that they were going to be adding some exotic sausages to the menu. Buffalo and venison and maybe some others as well. Now that's different.


Hi Graham - Thanks for letting me know, I'll try to keep tabs on that.

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