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Thursday, 14 January 2010



hi cathy
ooh, macarons - my favorite! i hope they're at the starbucks near me....


I'm going to stop by the Starbucks by me tomorrow to see if they have the macarons. Thanks, Cathy!


ooh I've never seen a waffle-O, looks good, especially with mochi bits! I'm going to hunt down a good charcuterie and cheese plate this weekend, now that I've got a craving after looking at your post...


Hi CC and Carol- I only saw the macarons after Christmas, not before, and really hope they are still around. I kept the box wrap and hope to find them around. If anything, Trader Joes. In the freezer...
Yes, FH, do that. It's wonderfully different and luxurious yet doesn't cost any more than a regular lunch.


Ack! I was just at a Starbucks this morning, but didn't notice (or look) in the fridge section. I guess I'll have to trek back for my afternoon coffee break :-) Oh, and I didn't know you could order a French press coffee at Startucks.

I like the Trader Joes macarons. I may need to stock up; they could be seasonal or limited.


That dessert looks...evilishly tempting. My stomach is telling me it's diet-friendly what with the fruit and yogurt. ;)

Macaroons! Been looking for some that aren't expensive bakery ones... :)


It's a nice walk, Sandy. The French press always could be ordered, but they finally started putting it on the Coffees Menu Board (2nd from bottom, just above the $13 to go box o' coffee.)It's how we try the more expensive beans before/if buying, and a nice way to start a weekend morning. I stocked up on the TJs macarons before Christmas-those are 'just' chocolate and vanilla. These are 'fancy'.


Cathy! that waffle froyo fruit creation looks fantastic! I just wanted to let you know that if you're really into macaroons, you should try Opera Patisserie in Sorrento Valley. If I am not mistaken, all of their desserts are 50% on Saturdays (although I think they exclude the macaroons). I'm actually a big fan of their breakfast/lunch specials. mmm!


Rosa- macarons at Trader Joe's in the freezer. Yogurt is healthy. So are, share so you only eat half...
I've heard of OP, cheesecheese, and just haven't had the chance to be out that way. But I can make it happen. Soon. Thanks.


hi cathy
unfortunately the macarons weren't available anymore near my place...they said it was seasonal. i tried two places (bonita and eastlake) to no avail. i'll have to try trader joe's to get my macarons fix! :)


Hi Cathy. Thanks for the post. I googled them for the description. I was interested to see that they are not the same as macaroons. They can be ordered online, and there are recipes if anyone feels adventurous enough.

Judy @ TinkerWithFOod

i love cafe venti's waffles :P


So sorry, CC-we got the ones in the photo last Saturday. As soon as I see them this year, I'll post it.
Hi Stephen. I didn't even think about the -ons versus -oons aspect. So sorry. I'm going to go to Opera Patissiere to see how those are. The baking process is intense and I think the cost is warranted.
Aren't the waffles nice, Judy?

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