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Sunday, 06 September 2009



too bad about the bread, but those smaller sandwiches sound really reasonable!


We love Mona Lisa, those italian liquor candies are delicious, but it is very tight quarters.


Wow, 99 cents bargain! Bummer about the bread, tho. Were the small sandwiches on the same kind of bread? If not, buy a few of those, some sliced meat and load those little ones up.


hi kirk
cute tiny sandwiches....nice and simple. perfect portion if you want to eat light.

hey, maybe all those sandwiches were just for those 2 dudes. ha ha.


If ever get the chance swing by Claro in Tustin I think they make some really good Italian sub. I'm not sure if the price has gone up or not but there pre-made sub is under $5 bucks.


Hi Kat - 99cent sandwiches .......can't beat the price.

Hi Lynnea - I'm always worried that I'm gonna knock stuff over....

Hi Carol - Different bread on the smaller sandwiches. Actually, we've been buying our meat at Mona Lisa, and walk down the street to Solunto's for the bread.

Hi CC - LOL! Yes, maybe....that's heck of a lot of bread though! ;o)

Hi Billy - We used to go to Claro's in Whittier, they were pretty good.


They have a website.


I love good prosciutto but not doughy bread with hard crust! Despite the bread the sammys sound good


Hi FH - The bread was disappointing..... I think they've changed where they get their bread.


Ah man, that stinks about the bread. Where do you get your own bread when you make your own sandwiches?

I can attest to the kid-friendly nature of the little sandwiches. My son absolutely loves them. I do too. I love grabbing a shirtful myself on our way to Shelter Island for doggie outings.


Hi Jan - We go to Solunto's down the street, they have pretty decent stuff. I kinda like those little sandwiches myself.... not quite sure why, but I do.


If you're ever in New Orleans, go to a deli called Central Grocery and order a sandwich called a muffuletta ( The sandwiches served at Mona Lisa are pale imitations. It makes me shudder to think of mayonnaise and lettuce on an Italian sandwich.


Hi Frank - Central Grocery Company has been on my list for ages.... I just have to get down there. Did you check out Judy's post on her visit to NOLA???

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