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Saturday, 12 September 2009



looks so good! I agree that this would need a lot of rice!


wow, this looks delicious, and u make it sound pretty simple. i'm going to try this out myself because i love eggplant! my only question is did you purchase the black bean, and if so, where did you get it?


Hi KAt - Yes, it turned out rather well.

Hi Sawyer - It is pretty easy to make. You can get fermented black bean at any Chinese Market. Make sure you get the ones in the cardboard cylinder - looks sort of like a small cardboard oatmeal container. Don't get the version on the plastic bags, those aren't as good.


This does look scrumptious! I've been wanting to cook more eggplant now that it's the season for them and this recipe has been bookmarked for that purpose.


another yummy looking recipe =) lots of cooking lately! It's great.


Kirk, that looks delicious. Would it come out as well with regular soy sauce? I have to watch my salt intake, and the premium seems to be pretty high in sodium content.


Hi Su-lin - It's pretty tasty, we really enjoy this preparation.

Hi Lynnea - Yes, now that things are cooling off a bit, I'm in a better mood for cooking.

Hi Stephen - I'm sure you can, in fact you could probably use low sodium soy sauce. I think it would turn out okay.

Judy @ TinkerWithFood

oh my word... i have a huge bowl of rice. GIMME GIMME GIMME!


This looks yummy! The Missus is lucky to have you cooking dishes for her!


That looks delicious, Kirk!

Thank you about the tip with the Serranos. I find that I have trouble with the 'Green' taste too if I overcook them. I have this problem when I try to cook aloo gobi with them.

Since I live in a heavily Hispanic area, they are pretty much the only medium hot chili I can get or I have to resort to Habeñeros...which work well with a lot of these types of dishes, if used sparingly. I'll need to find your preserved red chilis. Not too many Chinese Stores here in South Bay.


I've never had eggplant prepared this way, and it sounds so yummy. This chili wimp will go easy on the peppers, though.


Hi Judy - This was major rice eating material.....

Hi Kirbie - She keeps me sharp....

Hi MrM - Another thing you can do is to roast the serranos, it develops the sugars, and adds a nice smokiness to it all.

Hi Sandy - Serranos, if steamed for a bit are pretty mild. It's those red chilies that will get you!

Hungry Huy

Ooo looks good... I think I'll have to steal my roommate's steamer for this one. :)


Hi HH - It's also pretty easy to make.

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