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Friday, 14 August 2009



hi kirk! man that was fast! one second ago it was the paso robles entry,now this! that's funny...the "real food court"

i try to avoid plaza b at all costs (too many of my students hang out there), but i've heard of this "trio" of filipino joints. not a fan of jollibee or chowking, but i love red ribbon bakery! but not enough to go to plaza bonita.i still think it's cool that a major mall in san diego has filipino food joints in it! they should serve balut, diniguan, and fried chicken skins. then i'd go. ha ha. seriously.

Eat. Travel. Eat!

I have heard of these places but have never been to them yet. Red Ribbon was supposed to take a spot in the Arcadia/Monrovia area but they ended up not opening. They look good though!

And the photos you took of Jolibee are probably the best of what I have seen online about them :).


lol @ "the terrible trio" you're a good man for still giving them another shot tho haha.

never tried these although i've seen jollibee's around. they got that max's of manila in puente hills. besides that i don't know of any other filipino joints in the area. i don't think i've actually ever had it at a restaurant before...only at friends houses.


sadly that is the artificial type gravy I use on my loco moco here


Hi Kirk,

I remember first moving to Mira Mesa and driving around to see what restaurants are around. When I saw "Chowking" I thought, "Hmmm, sounds interesting, except that that name is one letter away from 'choking'."


Hi CC - Balut? At a mall in the US??? That'll be the day. he-he-he......

Hi ETE - This is the "big three" of Filipino Fast Food chains.

Hi Sawyer - I believe that there's still a bunch of places in Walnut and West Covina. There used to be Red Ribbon near Seafood City off Azusa, and Manila Sunset off Amar if I recall.

Hi Kat - Noooo, really?

Hi Fred - LOL! I never noticed that!


Have you ever had their Halo Halo or their tofu dessert? I'd love to hear your takes on them. I've tried their halo halo before and thought it was quite interesting.


Hi Ruby - As a whole, I don't have much of a sweet tooth. The Missus likes Jollibee's Halo Halo though!


~pppphhphph (Derisive Laugh)~

I about died when I first saw this. It was like, WTH!?

I usually stick with Hibiscus Grill upstairs when I eat at Plaza Burrito, but I found the Terrible Trio absolutely amusing. They do good business on the Weekends too!

Sadly, there used to be a 'real' Filipino place at Plaza Bonita that served dinuguan and Kare Kare (maybe even balut out of the back for all I know). But it didn't survive the Great Transformation. It was just called 'Manila'.


Hi MrM - I thought it was kinda funny.....and boy, do they have a loyal following!

Andy (美國土子)

several years ago, I found myself in Manila almost by chance. Seeing a Jollibee, I jumped to try this Filipino staple I've heard about. Chomping on the moist chicken, while dipping it in gravy, rice balls wrapped in paper, and washing it all down with flourescent Filipino soda.... it seemed like heaven. At least that was the way I remembered it. Or maybe it was because I left Hong Kong at 9:30am without breakfast and it's now after past 3pm.

Several year later, Jollibee is in Chino Hills. the chicken taste artificial yet yummy, the rice is not shaped into a ball, and the gravy comes in a plastic cup and tastes toxic.

is the food different stateside or has the romance simply worn off?


Hi Andy - A little of both I'm sure. Tastes change, and quality has gone down. Things always taste better at the source!

jollibee food corporation

Wow! mouth watering food! I love it.


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