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Saturday, 18 July 2009



It's true, Costco is a really dangerous place, people just don't watch where they're pushing their carts.


Costco is bad, but I would be willing to bet that Henry's on Park Blvd and Trader Joe's in Hillcrest are worse. I've nearly been run over several times in both. I swear, I've actually seen people running up and down the aisles at Trader Joe's. And most of these people aren't watching where they are going.


I've always wondered if the wooden planks are re-usable. I think I remember reading that they aren't re-usable so I passed them up.
I miss Costco since I'm here in Germany. I remember that it was best to shop early due to the mass of customers later in the day. And I loved, loved, loved the Costco at Market Street!

Bbq Dude

I agree with you 100% about CostCo crowds. I won't let my 3-year old walk there, because it's too dangerous - he has to ride in the cart.

But the meat counter... oh that glorious meat counter...


Hey K.
You are too funny! I've always wanted to try those wooden planks out from costco. I'm glad you tried it, now I have to get them.

Some of the none food pix are a little disturbing but very funny!


I have yet to try donut peaches, saw them at our Marukai, hopefully I'll get a chance to try some. My cousin did a great salmon on that cedar plank, it came out really moist and tender.

Judy Lee

*drooooooool* that looks so yummy!


Costco planks are awesome and a very good deal. Six planks for about 9 bucks. If you go to home depot they charge 12 bucks for 4 smaller planks. Planks are not reusable. I like to smoke salmon on them but have done chicken breasts and veggies on them also. I use the Tom Douglas rub I got from Costco on the salmon. I was surprised too when saw donut peaches in the Portland Costco. I like the Hawaii costcos the best. Poke, kalua pig, portugese sausage, etc. Also, like being able to buy liquor in the Costco's in CA & HI. Can't get that here in WA:(


"Costco always finds new ways to separate me from my money......" Yes, you are right, and that’s why I reduce the frequency of my visiting the store from once a week to every other week now, but I still like it.


I love donut peaches - they've only just become popular the UK too.

I have also purchased a cedar plank (from B&Q) but it's a thick one so it's apparently reusable - my mum laughed at me for spending £5 on a piece of wood :)


Hi Lynnea - That's wh ywe try to avoid peak hours.

Hi Stephen - Not to mention 99 Ranch Market!

Hi Shirley - These are single use, the price at Costco makes them worth it.

Hi BBQ Dude - Especially since Coctco gets prime on occasion nowadays!

Hi Tammy - That is funny, huh? Try those planks out, they work really well.

Hi Kat - They should be very fragrant, so make sure you use your nose before buying.

Hi Judy - Perhaps a bit overcooked, but very tasty.

Hi Kob - I really don't think yiu need much of a rub on the salmon, since the planks add so much flavor.

Hi Ma - You've cut down your visits to Costco??? Now I believe that anything is possible! ;o) We all know what your first stop is when you visit us......

Hi meemalee - It looks like those peaches are on the way to becoming mainstream. Which is nice since they are delicious.


those are some pretty interesting buys. i will be on the lookout for those next time i go if they have any up here. are those planks good for one use only? how do they work? and btw, where/what is this los place that has some good koi soi? =)


Hi Sawyer - It's Lotus of Siam in Vegas. If you ever get to Vegas make sure you check it out.


The Mister loves Saturn peaches. I'll have to stop by (before 11 am on a Sunday is my usual time) to pick some up. Seeing those cedar boards made me laugh and cringe. We got lured in with those too a year back and uh, let's just say that I'll stick with wood chips for smoking my salmon from now on, hehe.


Hi Carol - I go a 945 on avoid the initial mass waiting at the front door, and beat the rest of the crowds. I really enjoyed the result with shrimp.


I always try to go to Costco on a weekday (not including Friday) around 7:30pm. I find that it's not very crowded and I can relax and browse without worrying if I'm going to get creamed by a cart or 10. So far this has worked out for all the Costcos I've been to in SD and LA.


Hi Rosa - That sounds like a good strategy....I'm usually having dinner, walking Da' Boyz, or winding down by that time. Us old folks.......


Costco is truly one of my favorite place to shop.


Hi Ruby - Based on the massive crowds thousands are of the same opinion.

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